Try our new Rapid SDK in Java! It simplifies onboarding and gets you using Rapid faster.

Getting started with Rapid

Getting started with Rapid is simple. Just get an API key and a shared secret, configure for Rapid authentication, and begin testing.

1. Become a partner

To integrate with Rapid, you need to apply to become a partner if you aren’t one already.

2. Review our launch requirements, whichever are applicable to your website

Review the launch requirements to decide which requirements will require front end UI development and factor this into your project planning.

3. Prepare your environment

Review these resources to prepare your environment for using Rapid.

4. Get credentials and configure for Rapid authentication

Once you have become a partner and been approved to integrate with Rapid, you will need to obtain your API key. You can do this by logging into EPS Portal and clicking Connectivity in the menu bar on the left. Then select API key from the options. You will be presented with your current API key details.

The API key is one of two key credentials required for Rapid's signature authentication system. You will also need your shared secret, which you can access by going into EPS Portal and navigating to the API Keys page. Your API key will be in a restricted development mode until you have been approved for launch to a production environment, after your site review.

To make a request to our API service, whether in test or production, you'll use the HTTP authorization header to transmit your API key and an SHA-512 signature hash with each request. The SHA-512 hash consists of your shared secret, your API key, and a current UNIX timestamp. Rapid authorization headers always use the following format:

Authorization: EAN APIKey=yourAPIKey,Signature=sha512Hash,timestamp=yourUNIXTimestamp

See full details on our signature authentication page. You can use our signature generator tool to generate the SHA-512 hash value to test against your integration.

5. Begin testing your requests

Once you have received your credentials and have configured for Rapid authentication, you can start making requests against our testing endpoint, Any booking requests made against will not result in actual property reservations or credit card charges. You can choose from our documented test headers for the Booking API to control what type of response you want to see, or if you omit a test header for any booking-related request, the test server will add one for you automatically.

IMPORTANT: To ensure a stable and maintainable service is delivered for all partners, rate limits are applied. The system monitors anomalous API traffic and will take action to protect itself automatically. Before making any planned changes to the behaviour of calling the API, or conducting performance tests with API access, make sure to review your plans with your Rapid consultant.

Specifying your API version

Use the servers.url value in the OpenAPI spec to construct the URL. is for validation of your integration, and is the production endpoint. Preserve the protocol and path when switching between endpoints.…

The servers.url value is found at the top of our downloadable OpenAPI spec files and will always correspond with the version number for the given API service.

Example: OpenAPI spec

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: Rapid
  description: EPS Rapid V3
  version: v3
  - url:

6. Request a site review

Once you’re comfortable with your integration and have confirmed you meet the applicable launch requirements, ask your business development manager for a site review. When you're approved to go live, your business development manager will enable your API key for production use. Simply switch your request endpoints from to and continue making requests - no additional code changes are required.



If you receive 403 Forbidden responses after switching to, alert your business development manager and ask them to verify your API key is enabled for the production endpoint. Rapid will not authorize a development API key for our production endpoint.

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