Setting up the Java SDK for Rapid API

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Expedia Group has made branding changes to the Rapid Java SDK. Information on this page refers to the rebranded SDK. Learn more

1. Set up a Java development environment

Your development environment needs to have Java 8 or later. You can use Apache Maven or Gradle to configure SDK dependencies for your projects.

2. Create a service client and configure it

To make requests to Rapid endpoints, create a service client and configure it with your credentials.

RapidClient rapidClient =

(Optional) 2.1. Configure timeout

The service client can be configured with different timeouts for request, connection, and socket.

2.1.1. Configure request timeout

Request timeout is the time period from the start of the request to the completion of the response. The default value is infinite (no timeout).

RapidClient rapidClient=
        .requestTimeout(90_000) // 90 seconds

2.1.2. Configure connection timeout

Connection timeout is the time period from the start of the request to the establishment of the connection with the server. The default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).

RapidClient rapidClient=
        .connectionTimeout(30_000) // 30 seconds

2.1.3. Configure socket timeout

Socket timeout is the maximum period of inactivity between two consecutive data packets when exchanging data with a server. The default value is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds).

RapidClient rapidClient=
        .socketTimeout(30_000) // 30 seconds

(Optional) 2.2. Configure endpoint

The service client can also be configured to override the Rapid API endpoint, for example to use the test environment.

RapidClient rapidClient =

(Optional) 2.3. Configure OkHttp client

The service client can be configured with a custom OkHttpClient instance. This allows you to fine-tune the HTTP client for better performance, such as connection pooling, timeouts, and concurrency handling.

2.3.1. Create and configure an OkHttpClient instance

Create an instance of OkHttpClient with your custom configurations:

OkHttpClient customClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
        .connectTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
        .writeTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)

For more information on configuring the OkHttpClient, refer to the OkHttp documentation.

2.3.2. Pass the OkHttpClient instance to the RapidClient builder

RapidClient rapidClient = RapidClient.builderWithHttpClient()

3. Make API calls

The service client has a method for each endpoint in the Rapid API. You can access the endpoint by calling the corresponding method with the required parameters.

GetAvailabilityOperationParams getAvailabilityOperationParams = GetAvailabilityOperationParams.builder()
        /* ... */
GetAvailabilityOperation getAvailabilityOperation = new GetAvailabilityOperation(getAvailabilityOperationParams);
Response<List<Property>> propertiesResponse = rapidClient.execute(getAvailabilityOperation);

Asynchronous execution

The service client also offers asynchronous methods for each endpoint. You can access the endpoint by calling the corresponding asynchronous method with the required parameters.

GetAvailabilityOperationParams getAvailabilityOperationParams = GetAvailabilityOperationParams.builder()
        /* ... */
GetAvailabilityOperation getAvailabilityOperation = new GetAvailabilityOperation(getAvailabilityOperationParams);

    The executeAsync method is used to perform an asynchronous operation with the rapidClient, 
    allowing the application to continue executing other tasks while waiting for the operation to complete.
CompleteableFuture getAvailability = rapidClient.executeAsync(getAvailabilityOperation)
        .thenAccept(response -> System.out.println(response.getData()));

Need more information? Check out our usage examples. To get better insight into your API calls, configure logging.

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