Booking Receipts

Deliver booking receipts to travelers for pre-paid bookings made via Rapid API.


There are many instances where you, your corporate clients, and travelers need access to receipts or proofs of payment for lodging bookings:

  • Business travelers may require proof of payment to claim travel expenses with their employer.
  • Your clients may need documents to help reconcile travel spending and for internal reporting purposes.
  • You may want documentation for financial reporting, sharing with corporate accounts, generating bill back invoices, or booking reconciliation.
  • Leisure travelers may want a receipt for personal financial management or expense reporting.

Rapid API Booking Receipts

Rapid API's Booking Receipt feature enables you to obtain a PDF representation of the Itinerary API response so you can integrate these receipts in your various workflows. For instance, you might choose to email the receipts to clients or travelers, store and expose the document on trip management pages or make the PDF available to your support agents and business teams.

By default, a Rapid API booking receipt includes:

  • Property information, including name, address, rate type, and room type
  • Traveler details
  • Stay dates
  • Breakdown of total booking cost, including nightly rate and any additional taxes or fees
  • Current state of the booking (booked, changed, or canceled)

Booking Receipts are available for multi-room bookings. Each room associated with the booking will be represented on a separate page of the document.

Configuring your Booking Receipts

You also have some flexibility in how the booking receipt is configured. You can:

  • Choose between defaulting to Expedia-branded or unbranded version of the document during your booking receipt onboarding. You can override this branding default by adjusting the parameters of the Retrieve API request.
  • Choose which client details should be included on the receipt, including company name and/or address by including these details in the Retrieve API request.
  • Include a recipient email address at time of book using the Rapid Book API. Booking receipts will then be generated and automatically sent to the recipient at time of book, change, or cancel.

Retrieving Rapid API Booking Receipts

Access the booking receipt via a link in the non_vat_expedia_invoice itinerary level link of the Rapid Itinerary API response.

Example Response

  "itinerary_id": "8999989898988",
  "property_id": "8150374",
  "links": {
    "cancel": { ... },
    "non_vat_expedia_invoice": {
      "method": "GET",
      "href": "/v3/itineraries/8999989898988/invoice?token=MY5S3j36cOcLfLBZjPYQ1abhfc8CqmjmFVzkk7euvWaunE57LLeDgaxm516m"

You can also choose to have the document emailed to a specific contact by including an email address in the Booking API request body.

Example Request Body

  "affiliate_reference_id": "4480ABC",
  "rooms": [ ... ],
  "payments": [ ... ],
  "invoicing": {
    "company_name": "My Employer",
    "company_address": {
      "line_1": "123 Employer Ave",
      "line_2": "Suite 742",
      "city": "Seattle",
      "state_province_code": "WA",
      "postal_code": "98121",
      "country_code": "US"
    "point_of_sale_display": "My Corporate Travel Site",
    "email": ""
  "traveler_handling_instructions": "Please use the card provided for payment."

If you require the booking receipt be sent from your own email domain, we recommend you access the file using the link in the non_vat_expedia_invoice field of the Itinerary API response and then utilize your own internal systems to email the receipt to the traveler or agent.

Optional details to include in Rapid API Booking Receipts

You have the option to provide additional company, client and traveler details in your Booking API requests to further modify the booking receipt. These are optional parameters and are not required for booking receipt generation. Please see table below for more details on the optional parameters available to you.

Optional ParameterDescriptionExample
point_of_sale_displayPartner company name or legal entity to be displayed on booking receipt documentABC Travel ABC Travel LTD
company_nameClient's company nameACME Corp
company_addressClient's street address100 Main St, Miami, FL 10000 US
emailEmail address where booking receipt PDF should be delivered to. This can include client and/or traveler

Booking Receipt vs Invoice Document Source

The entity responsible for providing a receipt or invoice for a lodging booking will depend on the partner, rate type, and which entity is responsible for collecting funds from the guest.

  • Property Collect: The property is responsible for providing receipts and/or tax invoices to the traveler when they are the entity charging the guest for the stay and for purchases made on-site during the guest's stay. Expedia Group cannot provide booking receipts and/or invoices on behalf of properties for Property Collect bookings.
  • Expedia Collect and Updated Expedia Collect: As outlined above, Expedia can now provide a booking receipt for pre-paid bookings made via Rapid API. Note that this booking receipt document can serve as proof of payment for the booking but is NOT a tax invoice. Properties remain responsible for providing receipts and/or tax invoices for any bookings paid for at the property and for additional purchases made on-site during the guest's stay. Please see more details about Rapid's booking receipt functionality below.
Payment ModelSource of Booking ReceiptSource of Tax Invoice
Property CollectProperty delivers receipt for booking amount and onsite charges.Property may issue a tax invoice for their services
Updated Expedia CollectExpedia delivers receipt for booking amount. Property delivers receipt for onsite charges.Property may issue a tax invoice for their services
Expedia CollectExpedia delivers receipt for booking amount. Property delivers receipt for onsite charges.Property may issue a tax invoice for their services. Note: Expedia is not required to issue tax invoices for its facilitation of services

Interested in enabling Rapid API Booking Receipts? Reach out to your Expedia representative.

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