Explore our products

Let Expedia help you grow your business. We offer multiple travel APIs that put you in the driver’s seat, along with tools to prevent fraud and analyze your customers’ data. Or you can let us create a travel site for you and connect to your organization’s loyalty program.

Rapid API

Build a custom end-to-end lodging booking experience with easy integration, industry-leading supply and competitive rates.

Overview | Getting started

White Label Template

Tap into the power of Expedia’s exceptional data with an end-to-end travel and loyalty experience for your customers.

Overview | Getting started

Fraud Prevention

Allow travel merchants to easily and safely protect their business from fraud-related revenue loss.

Overview | Getting started

Lodging Supply

List and manage your properties with our supply APIs. From property reservations to channel distribution, our lodging supply APIs will help you optimize and automate.



Empower your customers to track and enjoy the points they have earned with the Analytics API, fostering a rewarding experience that encourages ongoing engagement with your brand.

Overview | Getting started

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