Transitioning to Rapid SDK v4.1.0 and later

What's changed

In the Rapid SDK v4.1.0, we have introduced a new paradigm for SDK interaction based on operations.

In the previous versions, the interaction was as follows:

rapidClient.operationX(requestXData, param1, param2, param3, ...,paramN);

In the latest version, the interaction has been modified to:

OperationXParams operationXParams = OperationXParams.builder()
OperationX operationX = new OperationX(requestXData, operationXParams);


  • operationX: Represents the operation to be executed. See Usage examples for real-world examples.
  • The old methods are deprecated and will be removed in future versions.

Why the change?

The transition to an operation-based interaction model offers a more uniform and extendable approach for Rapid usage. This change also paves the way for future enhancements and features, ensuring backward compatibility.

Moreover, the new model simplifies the interaction to a single execute method, eliminating the need for multiple operation-specific methods.

How to migrate?

If you are using the older openworld-java-sdk-rapid SDK, please start with the following steps.

Updating to the rebranded Java SDK

We've rebranded the Java SDK for Rapid API from openworld-java-sdk-rapid to rapid-sdk, which will impact any applications using it.

The SDK name, namespace, and exceptions IDs have been changed. To use this updated SDK you'll need to:

  • Use the package name in project dependencies.
  • Import the models from the new namespaces.
  • Update the exception handlers with the new exception classes.
  • Adjust the log messages prefix.

SDK Name

Before rebranding:

Rebranded SDK:


Before rebrandingRebranded SDK
import com.expediagroup.openworld.sdk.rapid.client.RapidClientimport com.expediagroup.sdk.rapid.client.RapidClient
import com.expediagroup.openworld.sdk.rapid.models.*import com.expediagroup.sdk.rapid.models.*


Before rebrandingRebranded SDK

Logging message prefix

Before rebrandingRebranded SDK

If you are using the rapid-sdk dependency, then you only need to:

  1. Update your rapid-sdk dependency to version 4.1.0 or later.
  2. Refactor your code to adopt the new operation-based interaction model with the SDK.

For detailed instructions on using the new Rapid SDK, refer to the updated Usage examples.

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