Vrbo essential stay content

Key stay information travelers need prior to arrival at the property.


Vrbo essential stay content provides important stay-related information to travelers including the property street address and property manager’s contact information. When provided by the host, essential stay content can also include certain other key important information the traveler might need upon arrival, during their stay, or at departure. Essential Stay content must be communicated to the guest post-book AND 72 hours prior to arrival to ensure the guest can plan their arrival and is fully aware of arrival, stay and departure-related information. Please note that essential stay content does not replace host to guest emails.

Where is this information exposed?

This information is exposed in the Rapid Itinerary response.

All information, except for door access instructions, is made available immediately after booking. When door access codes are provided by the host, a date will be provided in the Essential Stay Content and instructions will be included when the booking is retrieved from that date.

Should the booking be canceled, this information will no longer be displayed in the Rapid Itinerary response. Likewise, essential stay content will not be returned in the Rapid Itinerary response after a guest’s check-out date.

Important notes

Everything in the essential stay content, including check-in instructions, can be updated by the property host at any time. It is vital to always surface the most recent information to travelers.

To ensure the most up-to-date information is being shared with travelers accessing their itinerary, please do not cache these details.

Door access information, when provided, is typically available 3 days prior to arrival. As this may vary by host, best practice is to use the updates_available_date to schedule a guest communication.

It’s important to note that not all partners choose to provide property information through essential stay content however, at a minimum, the property address and host contact details will always be surfaced here.

For properties who choose not to load essential stay content or provide door access instructions, hosts will send this information in an email to the traveler via the email address provided at time of booking. This email may be sent by Vrbo on behalf of the property host or directly by the host.

Supported details

  • access
    • access_type
    • access_code
  • checkin
  • checkout
  • directions
  • parking
  • wifi
  • network_name
  • network_password
  • appliances
  • kitchenware
  • fireplace
  • thermostat
  • smart_device
  • tv
  • fitness_equipment
  • grill
  • hot_tub
  • pool
  • whats_provided
  • laundry
  • trash
  • other


Outside 3 days

"essential_information": {
  "contact": {
    "name": "John test",
    "phone": {
      "country_code": "1",
      "area_code": "367",
      "phone_number": "6876876"
    "email": "dv@devmail.wvrgroup.internal",
    "address": {
      "line_1": "3rd St",
      "line_2": "421 W",
      "city": "Austin",
      "state_province_code": "TX",
      "postal_code": "86868",
      "country_code": "US"
  "essentials": [
      "name": "directions",
      "instructions": "30.3079827,-97.8934852\n\nTurn right into the alley at the end of the road.",
      "images": [
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/a94d96e2-499b-4155-8872-6d0a4dd9a9db.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/e1713ff4-ad67-4498-93a1-befbdf5275a0.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
      "name": "wifi",
      "instructions": "Secure, hi speed wifi is available throughout the property.",
      "images": [
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/caa47f61-3e7f-459b-bd74-e3cfe76a0edc.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
      "additional_info": {
        "network_name": "HomeNetwork",
        "network_password": "HomeNetwork1234567890"
      "name": "thermostat",
      "instructions": "Thermostat\n\nDo not adjust thermostat below 59F/15C."
  "updates_available_datetime": "2022-08-14T09:00:00-05:00"

Within 3 days

"essential_information": {
  "contact": {
    "name": "John test",
    "phone": {
      "country_code": "1",
      "area_code": "367",
      "phone_number": "6876876"
    "email": "dv@devmail.wvrgroup.internal",
    "address": {
      "line_1": "3rd St",
      "line_2": "421 W",
      "city": "Austin",
      "state_province_code": "TX",
      "postal_code": "86868",
      "country_code": "US"
  "essentials": [
      "name": "access",
      "instructions": "Use the smart lock provided on the side door.",
      "images": [
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/efd6e6e0-f76e-47ff-b64b-3749e2de611b.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/86bc8ab0-db0c-4c11-a29a-3aa25761611f.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
      "additional_info": {
        "access_code": "1234567",
        "access_type": "smart_lock"
      "name": "checkin",
      "instructions": "Please check in after 9:00 AM only."
      "name": "checkout",
      "instructions": "Please checkout out before 11:00 AM. Follow all checkout procedures as listed in the kitchen."
      "name": "directions",
      "instructions": "30.3079827,-97.8934852\n\nTurn right into the alley at the end of the road.",
      "images": [
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/a94d96e2-499b-4155-8872-6d0a4dd9a9db.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/e1713ff4-ad67-4498-93a1-befbdf5275a0.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
      "name": "wifi",
      "instructions": "Secure, hi speed wifi is available throughout the property.",
      "images": [
          "url": "https://odis-stage.vrbo.com/odis/hospitality/caa47f61-3e7f-459b-bd74-e3cfe76a0edc.large.jpg",
          "width": 1024,
          "height": 768
      "additional_info": {
        "network_name": "HomeNetwork",
        "network_password": "HomeNetwork1234567890"
      "name": "thermostat",
      "instructions": "Thermostat\n\nDo not adjust thermostat below 59F/15C."
  "updates_available_datetime": "2022-06-22T11:51:27-05:00"


Q: When should the guest be provided with essential stay details?
A: Partners should provide at least basic information as part of the booking confirmation, such as host contact info and property address, to assist the guest in their planning. Additionally, partners should send a welcome email to the guest 72hrs prior to arrival, reminding the guest of support processes and providing the full essential stay content, which may also include door access codes.

Q: Is the property address, phone number, and email address always returned for all Vrbo properties?
A: The phone number and property address will always be returned. Host email address is optional.

Q: Can additional_info appear with any essentials field?
A: Additional info may be returned as part of the access and wifi fields.

Q: Which essentials fields can include images?
A: Image attachments are always optional and can be included in any field.

Q: What language does the instructions field return in?
A: instructions aren’t translated to the language indicated in the shopping process, they are rendered in the language of the host. Some hosts will include additional translations within their copy.

Q: Is the update_available_date field always returned or only when additional information will be provided at a future date?
A: The update_available_date field will only return when additional info will be provided by the host at a future date.

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