Rapid Postman collections

Get access to Postman collections for the Rapid API below.

Rapid Postman collections

The Postman collections contain requests for Rapid.

Requests are grouped in relation to the Swagger material on the site.

  • Geography
  • Content
  • Shop
  • Recommendations
  • Book
  • Manage Booking

The collections have been written to be as self-contained as possible, they encapsulate authentication logic and the check-in/check-out self-update with each request.

Each collection also has some basic tests, which can be used in conjunction with the Postman collection runner feature. Click here for more.

Pre-requisites and system requirements

  • An api_key and shared_secret.
  • An up-to-date version of Postman.


Import the collections into Postman once you have downloaded them from below.

You will also need to ensure that the api_key and shared_secret variables have been set. See their site for more information.

Testing notes

Do not edit or change the “Edit Collection” section.

The variables and code must remain the same to ensure requests work as expected.


You will need to setup some environment variables before you can use the collections, see here for more information on how Postman handles variables.

The following parameters can be defined, only two of which are required:

api_keyN/AyesAn API key.
shared_secretN/AyesYour shared secret.
eanapi_urlhttps://test.ean.com/noWhich host to target, you may wish to override it with "https://api.ean.com"
property_id3609882noThe LCM/Expedia property_id to request in Content and Availability calls.
region_id178248noThe region to request in Geography-related calls.
iata_airport_codeORDnoThe IATA airport code to request in Geography-related calls.
iata_airport_metro_codeCHInoThe IATA airport metro code to request in Geography-related calls.
languageen-USnoThe localised language to request, a subset of the BCP47 format.
occupancy2noThe number of people per room to request, format is numberOfAdults[-firstChildAge[,nextChildAge]]- "2-9,3" would represent two adults, a 9 year old, and a 3 year old.
booking_emailjohn@example.comnoThe email used in Booking requests.
hold_itinerary_creationtruenoWhether the itinerary will be created in a held state.
billing_termsN/Ano*The terms of how a resulting booking should be billed.
partner_point_of_saleN/Ano*What point of sale to be used for Shop and Book.
payment_termsN/Ano*What payment terms should be used when being paid for a resulting booking.
platform_nameN/Ano*What platform to use for Shop and Book.

*Please note that the variables marked as not required with an asterix* are only required for api.ean.com and not test.ean.com.

Please be aware that the following parameters are auto-generated and will be set in your environment:

authorizatonyesThis authorization code is generated from your api_key and shared_secret and used as a request header.
checkinyesThe checkin date is auto-generated for Availability requests. It will always be 30 days from the day you make a request.
checkoutyesThe checkout date is auto-generated for Availability requests. It will always be 32 days from the day you make a request.
arrivalyesThe arrival time is auto-generated for cross-sell requests. It will always be 30 days from the time you make a request.
affiliate_reference_idnoThe affiliate_reference_id is used in a Create Booking request and can be used to retrieve subsequent bookings.
price_check_linknoThe price_check_link is set following an Availability, Cross-Sell, or Recommendation request, if the returned property has that link. It can be used to make a Price Check request.
payment_options_linknoThe payment_options_link is set following an Availability, Cross-Sell, or Recommendation request, if the returned property has that link. It can be used to make a Payment Options request.
deposit_policies_linknoThe deposit_policies_link is set following an Availability, Cross-Sell, or Recommendation request, if the returned property has that link. It can be used to make a Deposit Policies request.
book_linknoThe book_link is set following a Price Check request, if the returned property has that link. It can be used to make a Booking request.
retrieve_linknoThe retrieve_link is set following a Book request, if the returned itinerary has that link. It can be used to make a Retrieve request.
resume_linknoThe resume_link is set following a Book request, if the returned itinerary has that link. It can be used to make a Resume request.
cancel_linknoThe cancel_link is set following a Book request, if the returned itinerary has that link. It can be used to make a Cancel request.
cancel_room_linknoThe cancel_room_link is set following a Book request, if the returned itinerary has that link. It can be used to make a Cancel Room request.
change_room_linknoThe change_room_link is set following a Book request, if the returned itinerary has that link. It can be used to make a Change Room request.
complete_payment_session_linknoThe complete_payment_session_link is set following a Book request, if the returned itinerary has that link. It can be used to make a Complete Payment Session request.
pagination_linknoThe pagination_link is set following any request made to any paginated endpoint. It can be used to demonstrate how pagination works in the API.

It is recommended that the variables are defined in an environment with only eanapi_urlapi_keyshared_secret set.

Download template configuration

Rapid Postman collections

Before downloading the below collection(s), please ensure you read the above information.

Download Rapid 3

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