PSD2 European compliance

Understand the impact of new EEA card payment regulations on your business.


The Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) is an EEA regulation that requires changes to the check-out and booking process for all transactions involving a credit card issued by an EEA state.

PSD2 increases security and reduces fraud however it also fundamentally changes the way payments work across Europe. As a part of these regulations, a solution for strong customer authentication is required when handling electronic consumer payments within the scope of the regulations. All card issuers, acquiring banks, and merchants are required to support a strong customer authentication solution. Non-compliance will result in failed payments as banks within the EEA are enforcing the regulations.

This page explains how supported Rapid API payment types are impacted and what actions partners can take to be compliant when serving their travelers. If you would like to learn about the directive in more detail, please review the legislation on the official European Commission site.

Compliance requirements

The steps to enable compliant transactions in the EEA will vary depending on who the merchant of record is and how payments are made to the Rapid API.

Partner is merchant of record

Expedia Affiliate Collect

Bookings that use EAC are unaffected by the PSD2 regulations. No payment process or API integration changes with Rapid are needed to reach compliance. However, you may be impacted by the regulations if you are the merchant of record and charge travelers' credit card, debit card, or other form of payment within the scope of the EU regulations. The regulations likely require you to support a PSD2-compliant version of two-factor authentication, or 2FA, in the payment process. Please reach out to your payment processor to learn more about their capabilities to help merchants reach PSD2-compliance and avoid failed transactions.

Partner cards

If your company is the merchant of record and pays Rapid with an EEA-issued credit or debit card owned by your company, you may be impacted by the regulations. The list of PSD2-compliant cards is:

  • Single-use virtual cards issued in the EEA.
  • Corporate cards issued to your company, not to an individual, and issued in the EEA.
  • Any card issued outside the EEA.

You may also be impacted by the regulations if you charge travelers’ credit card, debit card, or other form of payment within the scope of the EEA regulations. The regulations likely require you to support a PSD2-compliant version of two-factor authentication, or 2FA, in the payment process. Please reach out to your payment processor to learn more about their capabilities to help merchants reach PSD2-compliance and avoid failed transactions.

If the above PSD2-compliant partner cards are not preferable, your organization can request an exemption directly from the bank that has issued your partner card. If an exemption is granted, transactions on that card will not require authentication except for a possible one-time online verification using 2FA. This one-time requirement can vary by bank. Please note that obtaining an exemption can be lengthy process and it will also mean that your bank may hold you liable for any fraudulent payments.

Rapid is the merchant of record

If your company uses Rapid as the merchant of record by sending travelers' cards to Rapid, you may be impacted by the regulations. When travelers book online, without a retail agent, the regulations require that Rapid let travelers verify whether they initiated the payment. The PSD2-compliant process for this requirement is two-factor authentication, or 2FA, during the payment process. Partners that want to use Rapid as the merchant of record with any EEA-issued credit or debit card will need to adopt our Rapid solution for 2FA.

However, transactions that are booked through a retail agent or call center agent are exempt from the 2FA requirement. Compliance for these transactions only requires an explicit indication that that booking was made with the assistance of an agent. Use the Availability API’s sales_channel field for this indication.

Property is the merchant of record

If your company uses Property Collect you may be impacted by the regulations. There are circumstances where a property may try to charge a traveler's card without the traveler present, e.g. 'no show' fees or deposits. These charges are not compliant without two-factor authentication, or 2FA, being performed prior to the charge. Partners that want to use Property Collect for travelers using an EEA-issued credit or debit card will need to adopt our Rapid solution for 2FA.

Overview of the Rapid API solution

How does it work?

Partners that use Rapid merchant of record or property collect with traveler cards can adopt Rapid’s API solution to generate bookings that are compliant with the regulations. The APIs support PSD2 compliance by supporting two-factor authentication with 3DS 2.0 in the booking flow. With 3DS 2.0 we support risk-based authentication, which reduces friction with travelers by granting the banks discretion about when to challenge travelers with 2FA and when to not.

The solution for 2FA is comprised of three distinct components:

  • An iframe that partners add to the check-out page. It’s used to host an issuing bank’s 2FA experience for the traveler. In the integration documentation it’s referred to as the 3DS iframe.
  • A new client-side JavaScript library that resides on the check-out page. It’s used to collect browser data, communicate with the iframe, and display the 2FA experience within the iframe. In the integration documentation it’s referred to as the 3DS Connector Library.
  • Rapid accepts payer information for the bank and completes the booking after 2FA.

When using JavaScript and Rapid together, the booking flow with 2FA will now include a few additional steps before and after the Booking API is called. Below is a diagram that depicts this updated booking flow.

Prepare booking consists of register payment on Rapid API and collect data on JavaScript API. The next step is book on the Rapid API. Finally the complete booking step starts with display 2FA on the JavaScript API and then complete booking on the Rapid API.

During each step of the revised booking flow, the output of one step contains data that is used as input into the next step. Data will need to be passed between the JavaScript on the browser and Rapid.

Note: The diagram above is a simplification of the actual API flow meant for introductory purposes. Reference the integration documentation to learn more about the complete API flow.

Integration component details

Browser iframe

The iframe, placed in the check-out experience, hosts a URL owned by the traveler's card-issuing bank. This URL will display the 2FA experience to the user and transfer any traveler-supplied information directly to their bank. The iframe should be hidden initially, with the ability to overlay it on top of the page when a 2FA challenge is required after a booking attempt.

Browser JavaScript library

This library is added to the check-out page and is invoked at the time of booking to support the 2FA process. The library’s APIs support the capabilities described below.

Automatic collection of traveler’s device information

Before a booking attempt, information about the traveler’s device must be collected to prepare a booking for 2FA. It is later sent to the traveler’s issuing-bank for review so the bank can assess risk, decide if 2FA is required for the transaction, and ensure that it’s displayed correctly. In accordance with the 3DS 2.x specifications the following data will be collected from the traveler’s browser: language, color depth, screen height, screen width, time zone, user agent, and whether Java is enabled.

Display the 2FA experience in the browser iframe

After a booking attempt, the library is used to display iframe overlay and load the bank’s content into the iframe. During the 2FA process, the bank’s content may collect additional information about the traveler’s device to support their risk assessment. This process is needed to complete a booking.


Rapid includes APIs that work in conjunction with the client-side JavaScript library. The APIs now support the capabilities described below.

Registration of traveler and payment details

Before a booking attempt, additional information about the traveler must be collected to prepare a booking for 2FA. This data includes details of the traveler’s account with the point of sale and the traveler’s payment. This data is later sent to the traveler’s issuing-bank for review so the bank can assess risk and decide if 2FA is required for the transaction. Learn more by reviewing Register Payment API in Rapid.

Completion of a payment and confirmation of booking

After a booking attempt with Rapid and the 2FA process is completed on the browser, Rapid must be invoked once more. Behind the scenes, we’ll confirm that the 2FA was actually successful, so the booking can be confirmed. Learn more by reviewing the Complete Payments Session in Rapid.

Booking flow


If 2FA is enabled in Partner Profile Rapid Support, the Price Check API will return a link to the Register Payments API instead of the Create Booking API. Below is a diagram of the API call sequence that will be required after a booking is initiated by a traveler. The sequence involves both calls to the JavaScript Library and Rapid.

First initialize the JavaScript library, then create payment session using Rapid API. The flow returns to JavaScript to initialize payment session and then book using Rapid API. If 2FA is not needed then the booking is complete. If 2FA is required then display 2FA with iframe using JavaScript and finally complete payment session using Rapid API.

When a booking is prepared for 2FA, it may not always be required. The need for 2FA is determined by the issuing bank of the credit card used for payment. This determination occurs during the transaction and is indicated in the in the Create Booking API response.

Below is a diagram of the API call sequence required when using Hold and Resume.

Start by initializing the JavaScript library and then create payment session using the Rapid API. Next initialize payment session with the JavaScript API and then book with the Rapid API. If 2FA is not needed, proceed to using Rapid API to resume the booking. If 2FA is needed then display 2FA with iframe via JavaScript API, complete payment session with Rapid API, and finally use the Rapid API to resume the booking.

Note: The diagrams above are a simplification of the actual API flow meant for introductory purposes. Reference the integration documentation to learn more about the complete API flow.

More information

For further information on the technical requirements for the 2FA experience, review the EMVCo’s 3D secure protocol and core functions specification.

Rapid and two-Factor authentication integration guide


Supporting two-factor authentication, or 2FA, will require integration with a new JavaScript library, referred to as the 3DS Connector, and Rapid. The two are used in conjunction to present 2FA on the check-out page and confirm a booking. This solution supports both Expedia collect and property collect business models.

The sequence of API calls needed to support a booking with 2FA are outlined below and detailed in the following sections:

  1. JavaScript set-up method
  2. Rapid Register Payment API
  3. JavaScript initialize session method
  4. Rapid Book API
  5. JavaScript challenge method
  6. Rapid Complete Payment API

To allow this sequence, 2FA must be enabled for individual partner profiles by Rapid Partner Support.


If two-factor authentication is enabled for a partner profile, API responses will differ to allow a revised booking flow with 2FA.

Availibility API

The value of the sales_channel field in the API request must be accurate to obtain an exemption from 2FA when it’s permissible by the regulations. This value, along with many other factors, is reviewed by the card’s issuing bank to make their decision during the time of booking. Only agent tools are exempt from 2FA. To specify this, set the value of sales_channel to agent_tool.

Price Check API

The API response will include a link to the Register Payments API instead of the Create Booking API.

Example response when 2FA is enabled:

    "status": "matched",
    "occupancies": {
        //...(example omitted for length)
    "links": {
        "payment_session": {
            "method": "POST",
            "href": "/v3/payment-sessions?token=QldfCGlcUAVgBDRwdWXBBL"

Register Payments API

This will be the second step in the JavaScript-Rapid PSD2 booking flow and occurs after the JavaScript setup method.

The request will include payment details that are part of the non-PSD2 booking flow and new fields that support a successful 2FA. Two of these fields, encoded_browser_metadata and version, are returned from the JavaScript API’s setup method.

The response will include a payment_session_id and encoded_init_config. These are specified as inputs into the initSession method of the JavaScript library. The book link included in the response should be used after the initSession method.

Example request:

    "version": "1",
    "browser_accept_header": "*/*",
    "encoded_browser_metadata": "ZW5jb2RlZF9icm93c2VyX21ldGFkYXRh",
    "preferred_challenge_window_size": "medium",
    "merchant_url": "",
    "customer_account_details": {
        "authentication_method": "guest",
        "authentication_timestamp": "2018-02-12T11:59:00.000Z",
        "create_date": "2018-09-15",
        "change_date": "2018-09-17",
        "password_change_date": "2018-09-17",
        "add_card_attempts": 1,
        "account_purchases": 1
    "payments": [
            "type": "customer_card",
            "card_type": "VI",
            "number": "4111111111111111",
            "security_code": "123",
            "expiration_month": "08",
            "expiration_year": "2025",
            "billing_contact": {
                "given_name": "John",
                "family_name": "Smith",
                "email": "",
                "phone": "4875550077",
                "address": {
                    "line_1": "555 1st St",
                    "line_2": "10th Floor",
                    "line_3": "Unit 12",
                    "city": "Seattle",
                    "state_province_code": "WA",
                    "postal_code": "98121",
                    "country_code": "US"
            "enrollment_date": "2018-09-15"

Example response:

    "payment_session_id": "76d6aaea-c1d5-11e8-a355-529269fb1459",
    "encoded_init_config": "QSBiYXNlNjQgZW5jb2RlZCBvYmplY3Qgd2hpY2ggY29udGFpbnMgY29uZmlndXJhdGlvbiBuZWVkZWQgdG8gcGVyZm9ybSBkZXZpY2UgZmluZ2VycHJpbnRpbmcgYW5kL29yIDNEUyBNZXRob2Qu",
    "links": {
        "book": {
            "method": "POST",
            "href": "/v3/itineraries?token=MY5S3j36cOcLfLBZjPYQ1abhfc8CqmjmFVzkk7euvWaunE57LLeDgaxm516m"

Create Booking API

This will be the fourth step in the JavaScript-Rapid PSD2 booking flow and occurs after the JavaScript initSession method. The request will not include any new fields for PSD2, all needed information is contained within the token of the Book link returned by the Register Payment API. The response, if successful, will always contain an itinerary_id. However, this alone does not indicate that a booking is confirmed because 2FA may be required.

If 2FA is required, the response will also include an encoded_challenge_config. The encoded_challenge_config and payment_session_id returned from Register Payment will need to be passed as parameters into the JavaScript challenge method.

The response will also include a new link for complete_payment_session. This link should be used after challenge method of the JavaScript library.

If 2FA is not required, the booking is confirmed and the response will include links for retrieve,cancel, and, optionally, resume.

Example Create Booking response if 2FA is required:

    "itinerary_id": "8999989898988",
    "links": {
        "complete_payment_session": {
            "method": "PUT",
            "href": "/v3/itineraries/8999989898988/payment-sessions?token=MY5S3j36cOcLfLBZjPYQ1abhfc8CqmjmFVzkk7euvWaunE57LLeDgaxm516m"
    "encoded_challenge_config": "ABElifsiejfacies2@033asfe="

Complete Payment Session API

This will be the sixth step in the JavaScript-Rapid PSD2 booking flow and occurs after the JavaScript challenge method. This API is required to complete the payment and inform Rapid that a 2FA attempt was completed, successfully or not.

The request will not include any new fields for PSD2.

The response, if successful, will contain an itinerary_id and links for retrieve, cancel, and, optionally, resume. A successful response that a booking is confirmed.

Example response:

    "itinerary_id": "8999989898988",
    "links": {
        "retrieve": {
            "method": "GET",
            "href": "/v3/itineraries/8999989898988?token=MY5S3j36cOcLfLBZjPYQ1abhfc8CqmjmFVzkk7euvWaunE57LLeDgaxm516m"

3DS connector JavaScript library and 3DS iframe

When using the PSD2 booking workflow, the check-out page must include a new iframe and JavaScript library. The iframe, referred to as the 3DS iframe, will display the authentication experience using 3D-Secure 2.x to the traveler. The JavaScript library, refered to as the 3DS Connector Library, will support the transfer of information to issuing banks and load the banks’ content into the iframe.

Adding the 3DS iframe and JavaScript library

Adding the 3DS iframe

The 3DS iframe should be wrapped in a container that is initially hidden but can be displayed when an authentication challenge is required to process a payment.

The design of the container can be customized to suit the hosting page. The sample below shows an example implementation meant for guidance only, using a bootstrap modal.

<div id="threeDsIframeModal" class="modal" role="dialog">
    <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
        <div class="modal-content">
            <div class="modal-body iframe-container">
                <div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
                    <iframe id="threeDsIframe" src="<<3DS iframe URL>>"> </iframe>

The source of the iframe must be set to one of two values:

URL typeURLNotes
Production production 2FA
Testing sandbox testing of 2FA

The test URL supports testing and this topic is reviewed later in this document. To restrict the contents of the iframe during testing, iframe can be attributed with sandbox however it must allow the following:

sandbox = 'allow-scripts allow-forms allow-same-origin';

Adding the 3DS connector JavaScript library

The 3DS connector library communicates with the 3DS iframe and sends data to the issuing bank, which provides the iframe content. The sample below shows an example of how to add the library to the check-out page.

    <script src="<<3DS connector script URL>>" integrity="<<actual integrity value>>"></script>

The source and integrity values of the script element should be set to the below values:

Library versionAttributeValue

Note: The source URL and integrity will change as future versions are available for adoption. Newer versions should not break existing integration. Older versions of the script will still be accessible.

Using the 3DS iframe and JavaScript library

The library requires the use of JavaScript promises. The sample below shows an example implementation meant for guidance only and demonstrates how data is exchanged between the JavaScript methods and Rapid.

// Initialize the library
let connector = new PayThreeDSConnector.ThreeDSConnector("threedsiframe", "");
  .then(priceCheckResponse => {
    paymentSessionLink = priceCheckResponse.links.payment_session.href;
    // Setup an authentication session with the library
    return connector.setup({ referenceId: '1000' })
  }).then(setupResponse => {
    console.log("Setup Response: ", setupResponse);

    // Send information from setup to Rapid's Register Payments API
    return RapidIntegration.registerPayment(paymentSessionLink,
  }).then(paymentSessionResponse => {
    console.log("Register Payments Response: ", paymentSessionResponse);
    paymentSessionId = paymentSessionResponse.paymentSessionId;
    bookLink =;
    if (paymentSessionResponse.encoded_init_config) {
      // If the payment session response contains an encoded_init_config
      // field, initialize an authentication session with the library
      // using information returned from Rapid's Register Payments API
        paymentSessionId: paymentSessionId,
        encodedInitConfig: paymentSessionResponse.encodedInitConfig
      }).then(initSessionResponse => {
        console.log("Init Session Response: ", initSessionResponse);
        // Then create a booking with Rapid's Book API
        return RapidIntegration.createBooking(bookLink,
    } else {
      // Otherwise, create a booking with Rapid's Book API directly
      return RapidIntegration.createBooking(bookLink, paymentSessionId);
  }).then(createBookingResponse => {
    console.log("Create Booking Response: ", createBookingResponse);
    itineraryId = createBookingResponse.itinerary_id;
    if (createBookingResponse.encoded_challenge_config) {
      // If the Create Booking API contains an encoded_challenge_config field,
      // display the authentication challenge window
      completePaymentSessionLink = createBookingResponse.links.complete_payment_session.href;
      // Perform the challenge using the information returned from Rapid's Register Payments API
      // and Create Booking API
        paymentSessionId: paymentSessionId,
        encodedChallengeConfig: createBookingResponse.encodedChallengeConfig
      }).then(challengeResponse => {
        console.log("Challenge Response: ", challengeResponse);
        // Complete a booking with Rapid's Complete Payment Session API
        return RapidIntegration.completePaymentSession(completePaymentSessionLink, itineraryId);
      }).then(completePaymentSessionResponse => {
        console.log("Complete Payment Session Response: ", completePaymentSessionResponse);
        return completePaymentSessionResponse;
      }).finally(() => {
        // Close the authentication challenge window
    } else {
      return createBookingResponse;
  }).then(bookingResponse => {

Note: References to the RapidIntegration class are part of the example and not part of the 3DS connector library. They are meant to demonstrate a wrapper that supports the transfer of information to the APIs.

The sample uses static values for parameters that should be determined at run time, e.g. referenceId.

Check-out page guidelines

Card brands that support 2FA may require that their logos and branding be displayed in accordance with their guidelines.

Card brand2FA brandingLogos and guidance
MastercardMastercard identity check(]
VisaVisa secure[

Note: Logos and guidance for other card brands will be included as they become available.

3DS connector JavaScript library documentation

Class: ThreeDSConnector


new ThreeDSConnector(threeDsIFrameId, threeDsIFrameOrigin)


threeDsIFrameIdstringThe ID of the 3DS iframe.
threeDsIFrameOriginstringThe origin of the 3DS iframe. Used to target outgoing window messages and filter incoming messages when communicating with the 3DS iframe.



Sets up the payment session by collecting basic details about the browser needed by backend 3DS service, such as screen size, color depth, etc.

Method signature:





Promise for a SetupResponse

Intialize session

Initializes the session for authentication with 3DS. As a part of the initialization, additional data may be collected from the browser. If required by the card issuer, a 3DS method URL could be loaded into the iframe to enable the card issuer’s access control server to collect data from the browser directly. The client doesn’t have to wait for the completion callback to be invoked before the order can be created.

Method signature:




Returns: Promise for an InitSessionResponse


Loads the 3DS authentication experience, if required by the card issuer.

Method signature:




Returns: Promise for a ChallengeResponse

Class: SetupRequest

Request structure for the setup call.


referenceIdstringThe reference ID to identify the traveler’s check-out session. Used for logging and tracing. Use a concatenation of your APIKey and Customer-Session-ID using an underscore. Example: [APIKey]_[SessionID]

Class: SetupResponse

Response from the setup call.


versionstringThe version of this library. This is the same version present in the URL path to the library.
encodedBrowserMetadatastringAn encoded object containing the collected browser details. The client should treat this as opaque data to be passed to the backend payment services without parsing.

Class: InitSessionRequest

Request structure for the initSession method.


paymentSessionIdstringA unique ID returned by the Rapid Register Payments API.
encodedInitConfigstringAn encoded list of config objects containing data required for initialization, returned by the Rapid Register Payments API.

Class: InitSessionResponse

Response structure for the initSession method.


statusCodestringStatus of the initSession call.
messagestringOptional. Indicates the failure reason.

Possible values for statusCode:

SUCCESSInitialization completed successfully.
SKIPPEDNo initialization was done.
FAILEDInitialization failed. The message field contains additional information regarding the failure.
TIMEOUTInitialization was not completed within the available time. Timeout duration is 10 seconds.

Note: For all initSessionresponse statusCode values, proceed with Rapid Book API.

Class: ChallengeRequest

Request structure for the challenge method.


statusCode valueTest encoded_Challenge_config valueDescription
SUCCESSW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlNVQ0NFU1MifV0Without user iframe interaction
SUCCESS / FAILEDW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlNIT1cifV0Without user iframe interaction
FAILEDW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIkZBSUxFRCJ9XQWithout user iframe interaction
TIMEOUTW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlRJTUVPVVQifV0
ERRORW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmdlT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIkVSUk9SIn1d

Possible values for statusCode

SUCCESS3DS challenge was completed successfully.
SKIPPEDExternal application error.
FAILED3DS challenge was not completed successfully due to card holder’s inability to correctly respond to the authentication challenge.
TIMEOUTChallenge was not completed in the available time. Timeout duration is 1200 seconds.

Note: For all challengeResponse statusCode values, proceed with Rapid for complete payment session.

Testing with Rapid and two-factor authentication

Your integration with Rapid and the 3DS connector methods can be tested with input parameter values that correspond to specific scenarios supported by the APIs.


To test Rapid, include an additional HTTP header named test in the HTTP request and use one of the supported values for that API to test a supported scenario.

Within the PSD2 booking flow, test responses from Rapid can also be used to test the 3DS connector library methods.

Register payments

The following test header values result in different encoded_init_config values in the API response and different HTTP response codes. The encoded_init_config can be passed in to the initSession call of the JavaScript library to trigger different test cases within the 3DS connector library.

Test header valueHTTP code & responseinitSession test case
standard201 – Standard ResponseSUCCESS
init_skip201 - Response Without encodedInitConfigNot supported
init_fail201 – Standard ResponseFAILED
init_timeout201 – Standard ResponseTIMEOUT
internal_server_error500 – Internal Server Error
internal_server_error503 - Server Unavailable

Note: init_skip different test cases within the 3DS Connector Library.t_config that can be passed to initSession and force a statusCode of SKIPPED.

Create booking

In addition to the test headers defined in Rapid Booking Test Requests for the non-PSD2 booking flow, additional test header values are supported for the PSD2 workflow.

The test header values result in differerent encodedChallengeConfig values which can be passed in to the challenge call of the JavaScript library to trigger different test cases.

Test header valueHTTP code & responseinitSession test case
complete_payment_session201 – Response with complete payment session linkSUCCESS without user iframe interaction
complete_payment_session_show201 – Response with complete payment session linkSUCCESS/FAILED with user iframe interaction
complete_payment_session_fail201 – Response with complete payment session linkFAILED without user iframe interaction
complete_payment_session_timeout201 – Response with complete payment session linkTIMEOUT
complete_payment_session_error201 – Response with complete payment session linkERROR

Complete payment session

The test header values result in differerent error cases that can occur when trying to complete a payment and confirm a booking.

Test header valueHTTP code & response
payment_declined400 - Payment declined response
price_mismatch409 - Price mismatch response
rooms_unavailable410 - Rooms unavailable response

3DS connector library and iframe

To test the 3DS connector without external dependencies, specific parameter values correspond to supported method responses. This behaviour is only supported when the iframe is loaded with the test sandbox URL.

Initialize session

The supported values of the InitSessionResponse statusCode can be tested by varying the initSessionRequest encodedInitConfig.

statusCode valueTest encodedInitConfig value
SKIPPEDNot supported at this time.

Note: The encoded_init_config values can also be generated with the supported test headers of the Register Payments API.


The supported values of the challengeResponse statusCode can be tested by varying the challengeRequest encondedChallengeConfig.

statusCode valueTest encoded_Challenge_config valueDescription
SUCCESSW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlNVQ0NFU1MifV0Without user iframe interaction
SUCCESS / FAILEDW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlNIT1cifV0Without user iframe interaction
FAILEDW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIkZBSUxFRCJ9XQWithout user iframe interaction
TIMEOUTW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmd lT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlRJTUVPVVQifV0
ERRORW3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDA sICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmdlT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIkVSUk9SIn1d

Note: The encodedInitConfig values can also be generated with the supported test headers for the PSD2 flow of the Booking API.

Note: When testing for challenge status code value of SUCCESS or FAILED based on user input with the iframe, the challenge method response will wait on the completion of the simulated authentication UI in the iframe.

Example of UI in 3DS iframe:

Example of 3DS iframe

Example usage

The sample below shows an example implementation meant for guidance only. The sample demonstrates how to use the pre-defined parameter values to test the library for a 3DS challenge without the user needing to interact with the iframe.

var c = new PayThreeDSConnector.ThreeDSConnector('threedsiframe', ''); // change to match the 3DS iframe ID
c.setup({ referenceId: '1000' })
    .then((setupResponse) => {
        console.log('Setup Output: ', setupResponse);
        return c.initSession({
            paymentSessionId: 1,
            encodedInitConfig: ' W3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDAsICJzYW5kYm94SW5pdE91dHB1dENvbmZpZyI6ICJTVUNDRVNTIn1d',
        }); // SUCCESS
    .then((initResponse) => {
        console.log('InitSession Output: ', initResponse);
        $('#threedsIframeModal').modal(); // replace with code to show the modal containing the 3DS iframe
        return c.challenge({
            paymentSessionId: 1,
                ' W3sicHJvdmlkZXJJZCI6IDAsICJzYW5kYm94Q2hhbGxlbmdlT3V0cHV0Q29uZmlnIjogIlNVQ0NFU1MifV0=',
        }); // SUCCESS
    .then((challengeResponse) => {
        console.log('Challenge Output: ', challengeResponse);
    .finally(() => {
        $('#threedsIframeModal').modal('hide'); // replace with code to hide the modal containing the 3DS iframe

Two-factor authentication and property collect

About two-factor authentication for property collect

When booking with property collect Expedia does not charge the card, we simply send it to the property for handling. The property may use this information to validate the card ahead of check-in. At check-in, the traveler is expected to pay in person.

However, sometimes travelers cannot check in and properties may charge a no-show fee. These charges can be impacted by PSD2 regulations because they involve charging a card when the traveler is not present.

If transactions are impacted, payments can fail or properties can face penalties from card brands if the charge is non-compliant.

To protect our relationship with properties and continue to serve our partners, Expedia Group is offering properties an optional path to compliance. Impacted properties can now leverage Expedia Group to provide 2FA on their behalf. This allows properties to protect their business and ensures that Rapid can continue to offer the same diverse range properties.

Rapid provides the flag of <payment_registration_recommended=true> in the Property Content File and in Property Content, which can help you to identify a property when it is potentially involved in the project.

Note: Only properties within the European Economic Area, or EEA, are eligible for 2FA and the set of properties that may require 2FA is not static – it can grow as additional properties choose to enable this capability.

How can 2FA for property collect impact an integration?

If a partner wants to offer properties that can require 2FA, then the booking path should support 2FA. Without supporting 2FA, booking these properties may fail if the card-issuing bank determines 2FA is needed for the transaction, e.g. cards issued in the EEA.

When a no-show fee is charged by the property, Rapid will be the merchant of record. The charge’s descriptor on the card’s billing statement will not be defined by the property. The value of the descriptor is defined by the partner. To customize this text, contact Rapid Partner Support.
To remain compliant the requirements of card brands and the Rapid launch process, use the Accepted Payments API to display the processing_country on the check-out page in case of no-show. This is required for all transactions where Rapid is the merchant of record and this may occur if 2FA is used and a no-show occurs.

How can impact to an integration be mitigated

If a Rapid integration does not support 2FA in the booking flow, the risk of failed bookings can be reduced by not selling these properties.

Contact Rapid Partner Support to have these impacted property collect rates removed from Availability API responses.

When using an agent tool, the transaction is exempted from 2FA in accordance with the regulations. Use the Availability API’s sales_channel field to indicate this.

Error handling

The Create Booking API and Complete Payment Session API may result in confirmed bookings and payment transactions.

Your integration should consider the following instructions to avoid financial loss and customer operation cases:

SourceFunctionSuggested timeout setupError recovery processActions needed
Rapid APIPre-Book Price Check for Register Payment Token10 secondsRetry or select another property, room or rate-
JavaScript3DS Connector Setup10 secondsRetry the same request-
Rapid APIRegister Payment Session10 secondsRetry the same request without "Expect: 100-Continue" process-
JavaScriptInitiate Payment Session10 secondsRetry the same request-
Rapid APICreate Booking90 secondsRetry the same requestFor all errors: Retrieve Booking with affiliate_reference_id
JavaScriptDisplay 2FA Challenge10 secondsRetry the same request-
JavaScriptWait for challenge.statusCode180 ~ 1200 secondsRequest Complete Payment Session-
Rapid APIComplete Payment Session90 secondsRetry the same requestFor all errors: Retrieve Booking withaffiliate_reference_id
Rapid APIFor all errors: Retrieve Booking withaffiliate_reference_id30 secondsRetry the same requestFor all errors: Wait 90 seconds before retrying, to confirm the final status of bookings by API Response Code 404 or 200
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