ReferenceProperty API
Provider resource
This resource returns the Provider information on which Property Managers are configured on Expedia Group's end and are ready to have their properties onboarded. For centralized providers that do not require a Property Manager-level configuration on Expedia Group’s end, an empty array would be returned.
Request syntax
GET /providers/v1/{provider name}
Response example
1{2 "entity": {3 "name": "mycompany",5 "propertyManagers": [6 {7 "propertyManagerCode": "MyPropertyManagerCode",9 "extranetUser": {10 "firstName": "PMFirstName",12 "lastName": "PMLastName",14 "email": "",16 "userName": "SYS_TestPM25"17 },19 "billingSettings": {20 "billingCurrencyCode": "USD",22 "groupReconciliationEnabled": true,24 "virtualCardEnabled": true25 },27 "inventorySettings": {28 "distributionModels": ["EXPEDIA_COLLECT", "HOTEL_COLLECT"],30 "rateAcquisitionType": "NET_RATE",32 "pricingModel": "PER_DAY",34 "taxesIncludedInRates": true,36 "feesIncludedInRates": false,38 "childrenExcludedFromBaseRates": true39 },41 "bookingPolicies": {42 "cutoffDay": "SameDay",44 "cutoffTime": "15:00:00",46 "cutoffDaysInAdvance": 10,48 "sameDayCancellationCutoffTime": "15:00:00",50 "minimumCheckInAge": 12,52 "losCalculationMethod": "ArrivalBased"53 }54 }55 ]56 }57}