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EPS Portal option

You can choose to use our secure EPS Portal to manually upload your customer relationship management (CRM) email file.

Step-by-step instructions

  1. Log into the EPS Partner Portal using the access credentials your Expedia account manager will provide.
  2. Go to Settings, then Email marketing data.
  3. Review the upload instructions to ensure that the file name and structure are correct. You can also download a template from this screen.
  4. Click Upload file. You’ll receive a success message or an error message that details what needs to be corrected.

An upload history that shows success or error status is available from the upload email list.

Email marketing data file start page

The EPS Portal window with 'upload file' link highlighted

Upload status

The EPS Portal status window with three files listed, one with an 'initiated' status and two with 'incorrect file structure' status

Upload history

File history table that shows five columns: file name, size, uploaded by email address, date uploaded, and status
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