ReferenceBooking Retrieval and Booking Confirmation APIs

Booking Retrieval reference

The Booking Retrieval request message (BR RQ) allows you to retrieve bookings made on any Expedia Group point of sale. The Booking Retrieval request is initiated to

  • Retrieve pending bookings (reservations, modifications or cancellations that were not already retrieved)
  • Retrieve a single booking by its booking ID
  • Retrieve all the bookings that were created, modified, or cancelled in the past X days (X can be any number between 1 and 30)

If you do not retrieve booking information electronically, Expedia Group will send the information to the property by email.

Booking Confirmation provides a traveler’s booking information so that you can move forward with the booking. The service then provides a confirmation number to Expedia Group and the traveler.

To understand how Expedia Virtual Card impacts the booking process, see What is Expedia Virtual Card?. For an overview of the Booking Retrieval API, see the Booking Retrieval API introduction. For an overview of Booking Confirmation API, see the Booking Confirmation overview.

The Booking Retrieval and Booking Confirmation APIs are RESTful and all requests and responses must be sent over a secure connection. All request and response bodies, including errors are encoded in XML. The Booking Retrieval API is part of the Expedia Group XML schema definition, so be sure to download the latest version and use it to validate your responses.


Retrieval requests should be transmitted to Expedia Group within 30 minutes for same day bookings, 60 minutes for travel reservations between 24 hours to 449 days, and within 24 hours for travel in 500 days or greater. If the system is unavailable, an error code will be returned that indicates why you are unable to connect. Requests and responses are sent in XML.

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The booking retrieval response includes 0 to 125 bookings. The maximum number of bookings that can be returned by the API in a single response message is 125. If more than 125 bookings are found, the 125 most recently created bookings are returned.

For pending booking requests, if more than 125 bookings are pending retrieval, a subsequent retrieval request will return the remaining pending bookings. Requests for all bookings made during a specific time frame will only include the most recent 125 bookings if more than 125 bookings occurred during that time period.

The Booking Retrieval response should be transmitted within 30 minutes for same-day reservations, 60 minutes for next-day bookings, and within 24 hours for any other bookings. If a connectivity problem or another issue occurs, an error code will be returned that indicates what issue occurred. Requests and responses are sent in XML.


The Booking Retrieval request is initiated by the partner and uses the RESTful method to send the request to the endpoint ( The <BookingRetrievalRQ> element is the root element, and it requires the xmlns attribute, which is the namespace to which this message belongs. This namespace is used to validate the version of the schema the message is based on. Current namespace for requests is

Booking Retrieval request schema overview

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1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<BookingRetrievalRQ xmlns="namespace">
3 <Authentication username="username" password="password" />
4 <Hotel id="id" />
5 <ParamSet>
6 <Booking id="id" />
7 <Status value="status" />
8 <NbDaysInPast>{integer}</NbDaysInPast>
9 </ParamSet>
Child elements




Information used to validate and grant access to the API interface.


  • username- Username for Booking Retrieval API login (case sensitive), provided by Expedia Group. Data type: string, between 4-30 characters.
  • password- Password for Booking Retrieval API login (case sensitive), provided by Expedia Group. Data type: string, between 16-30 characters.


Optional. Information about the property. If this element is not specified, Expedia Group will return all the bookings linked to the credentials provided in <Authentication> element. If this user has access to more than one property, bookings for all the properties the user has access to will be returned.


  • id- Hotel ID defined by Expedia Group and uniquely identifies a property in the Expedia Group system. It is mapped by supplier to hotel code in the supplier's system. Data type: integer, up to 14 digits.


Parameters that define the data to be retrieved.

Child elements:

  • <Booking> - Specify this element to retrieve the most recent data for a specific booking. Cannot be specified with the <NbDaysInPast> element. The id attribute is required and specifies the booking ID (integer).
  • <Status> -Only supported in version 2014/01. If this element is provided, the retrieval request will return only the states explicitly set to true. The value attribute is required to specify the desired statuses, and valid values include
  • pending- Returns bookings in a pending state at the time of the BR request
  • retrieved- Returns bookings that were already retrieved via BR but not confirmed through Booking Confirmation API yet
  • confirmed- Returns bookings that were both retrieved and confirmed through Booking Confirmation API. If this status is used without the <NbOfDaysInPast> element, the request will use the default value ‘30' and process the request as though it's for confirmed bookings within the last 30 days. The confirmed value cannot be used if the <NbOfDaysInPast> element is specified, and the application will refuse retrieval requests without it.
  • expired-Unsupported and ignored
  • You can specify the value attribute up to three times in the element. If the same status is repeated, the API will ignore the repetitions.
  • <NbDaysInPast> - Specify this element to retrieve all bookings made in the past X days, even if they have been retrieved previously. Specify a value (integer) that represents a 24-hour block. For example, a value of “2” requests all bookings made in the last 48 hours. Bookings that are pending retrieval are also returned when this parameter is specified. Bookings that have reverted to email are not returned. This element cannot be used at the same time as the <Booking> element.


The Booking Retrieval response is initiated by the partner and uses the RESTful method to send the request to the endpoint. The <BookingRetrievalRS> element is the root element, and it requires the xmlns attribute, which is the namespace to which this message belongs. This namespace is used to validate the version of the schema the message is based on. Current namespace for requests is

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Bookings made on Expedia Group points of sale can evolve over time before the traveler checks in at the property - or in rare cases, even after the check-in date. For example, the booking could be changed to add or remove a day for the stay. The booking can also be cancelled by the traveler or by Expedia Group Customer Support.

The Booking Retrieval response returns 0 to 125 bookings as determined by the parameters of the Booking Retrieval request or an error is returned if the request is unsuccessful.

If a request is made for pending bookings and more than 125 bookings are pending retrieval, the next retrieval request will return the remaining bookings. Also, if you request all bookings made for a certain time period and more than 125 bookings occurred in that time frame, only the 125 most recent bookings will be retrieved.

Booking Retrieval response schema overview

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New reservation

New bookings contain all the information that the traveler specifies when booking on an Expedia Group point of sale. At minimum, this information is the mandatory information in the Booking Retrieval response message. The maximum amount of information that can be found in new bookings includes all mandatory elements and optional elements, and it may include repetitions of them.

Example of a booking element for a new booking:

1<Booking id="324654" type="Book" createDateTime="2006-10-25T09:30:47Z" source="Expedia">

Modified bookings

Modified bookings contain the most recent information about a booking (whether new information, modified information, or information that was on the original booking). A modified booking looks similar to a new booking because it contains the same types of booking information, except that the "booking type" attribute of the <Booking> element is changed from "Book" to "Modify."

Example of a booking element for a modified booking:

1<Booking id="44654" type="Modify" createDateTime="2006-10-27T11:33:19Z" source="Expedia">

Cancelled bookings

Cancelled bookings do not contain all information that can be found for new or modified bookings. Messages for cancelled bookings only contain the critical information required to cancel the booking in the property’s system. You should pay special attention to handling cancellation messages.

The booking type identifies a cancelled booking:

1<Booking id="4654" type="Cancel" createDateTime="2006-10-30T19:32:11Z" source="Expedia">

The booking message for a cancellation contains the minimum set of mandatory information specified by the Booking Retrieval response XML message. Cancellation messages do not contain any of the optional information, such as special requests, extra person fees, reward program, etc. Some of the mandatory information included in the cancel message is set to 0:

Element / Attribute












Information set to zero in a cancel message

The property should use the booking ID as the key to identify which booking to cancel. If this is not possible, the guest name and dates of the stay should be identical to the latest version of the booking prior to cancellation. To ensure the right booking is being cancelled, the property should verify the booking ID as well as the guest name and the original check-in and check-out date of the booking. If any cancellation fee is due to the property, the amount to be charged is based on the cancellation policy you currently have in place for the affected rate plan, as configured by the Expedia Group Market Manager. This fee is also chargeable to the Expedia Virtual Card number provided in the new or modified booking response that preceded the cancellation and the EVC card can be charged on the original arrival date.

BookingRetrievalRS element

This is the root element of the response. Elements used in this response:

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="namespace">
3 <Bookings>
4 <Booking id="id">
5 <Hotel id="id"/>
6 <RoomStay roomTypeID="id" ratePlanID="id">
7 <StayDate arrival="date" departure="date"/>
8 <GuestCount adult={integer} child={integer}>
9 </GuestCount>
10 <PerDayRates currency="code">
11 <PerDayRate stayDate="date" baseRate={decimal} extraPersonFees={decimal}/>
12 </PerDayRates>
13 <Total amountAfterTaxes={decimal} amountOfTaxes={decimal} currency="code"/>
14 </RoomStay>
15 <PrimaryGuest>
16 <Name givenName="name" middleName="optional" surname="last name"/>
17 <Phone countryCode={integer} cityAreaCode={integer} number={integer} extension={integer}/>
18 </PrimaryGuest>
19 <SpecialRequest code="enum">
20 </SpecialRequest>
21 </Booking>
22 </Bookings>

Bookings element

This is a container element for bookings. If this node appears alone, without any child elements, the request was successful, but there are no bookings matching the request.

If this element is present, <Error> element cannot also be present.

2 <Booking id="id">
3 <Hotel id="id"/>
4 <RoomStay roomTypeID="id" ratePlanID="id">
5 <PaymentCard cardCode="id" cardNumber="number" expireDate="MMYY">
6 <CardHolder name="name" address="address" city="city" stateProv="state" country="country" postalCode="postalcode"/>
7 </PaymentCard>
8 </RoomStay>
9 <PrimaryGuest>
10 </PrimaryGuest>
11 <SpecialRequest code="enum">
12 </SpecialRequest>
13 </Booking>
Child elements




Information about the booking. Each booking occurrence represents an Expedia Group point of sale booking transaction. If more than one booking is returned, they will be sorted by creation date, newest to oldest.

Type:<Booking> element


This element provides details about the room stay including guest counts, length of stay, daily charge for each day of the stay, and the total cost for the booking including taxes.

Type:<Room Stay> element


This is a container element for information regarding the primary traveler for a specific booking.

Type:<PrimaryGuest> element

Booking element

Information about the booking. Each booking occurrence represents an Expedia Group point of sale booking transaction. If more than one booking is returned, they will be sorted by creation date, newest to oldest. This element includes its own attributes as well as several child elements.

1<Booking id="id" type="type" createDateTime="datetime" source="pointofsale" status="status" confirmNumber="number">>
2 <Hotel id="id"/>
3 <RoomStay roomTypeID="id" ratePlanID="id">
4 </RoomStay>
5 <PrimaryGuest>
6 </PrimaryGuest>
7 <SpecialRequest code="enum">
8 </SpecialRequest>
Attributes and child elements




Booking ID generated by Expedia Group. Uniquely identifies each booking. Use this Booking ID to link modifications and cancellations to initial bookings in the property system. Note: Modifications, cancellations, or updated special requests must be tracked within the property's system. Data type: integer, up to 14 digits.


Type of booking record. Data type: enum. Possible values are

  • Book for new reservations
  • Modify for modified bookings
  • Cancel for cancelled bookings


Date and time when the booking transaction was made on Expedia Group, including time zone information. Data type: date, time; Timestamp as defined in ISO 8601 format.

  • Will always be in the following format:
  • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ (time is UTC).
  • To indicate a different time zone, the local time shall be immediately followed by a sign, + or -, then by the difference from UTC represented as hh:mm. Example: local Pacific Standard Time would look like “2008-02-28T11:55:00-08:00”


Booking source or Expedia Group point of sale where the booking was made. Required for the partner to pass notifications from each booking source to the property. This value is also included in notifications that expire and fall back to email. Data type: string, maximum length: 32 characters. See the BookingSourcetable. Values for the booking source may grow or change in the future.


Status of the booking transaction at the time of the retrieval request. Only available in version 2014/01. Requests made with previous versions of the Booking Retrieval schema will not return this attribute. Data type: enum. Possible values:

  • pending- message retrieved for the first time
  • retrieved- message retrieved at least once already, but not confirmed
  • confirmed- message was already retrieved and confirmed via Booking Confirmation API


Partner confirmation number for this booking. This attribute is not returned if the booking has not been confirmed with Booking Confirmation API. Data type: string.

  • New reservations: only available for reservations where status = confirmed.
  • Modifications/cancellations in status = pending or retrieved: the attribute will contain the confirmation number supplied for the initial booking message.
  • Modifications/cancellations in status = confirmed: will contain the newest confirmation number received from the partner.


Information about the property.


  • id- Hotel ID defined by Expedia Group and uniquely identifies a property in the Expedia Group system. It is mapped by supplier to hotel code in the supplier's system. Data type: integer, up to 14 digits.


This element provides details about the room stay including guest counts, length of stay, daily charge for each day of the stay, and the total cost for the booking including taxes.

Type:<Room Stay> element


Optional. This element contains any reward program codes used during booking and the customer ID for the program. The traveler can specify up to two such programs at booking. 0 to 2 occurrences of this element in the message.

Attributes include:

  • code- Reward program code, as defined by Expedia Group. Data type: enum.
  • number- Traveler's account number, a unique ID from reward program card number. Data type: string, string length does not exceed 32 characters


This element defines special requests made by the traveler. This can include up to six different special requests and each one can be one of six types:

  • (1.x) Bedding preferences with different codes for different bedding arrangements
  • (2) Smoking/non-smoking
  • (3) Indication of multi-room bookings
  • (4)Free text (traveler comments entered at the time of booking on Expedia Group's point of sale)
  • (5)Payment instructions
  • (6) Value Add Promotions (VAPs). See the Learn article about Value Add Promotions for additional details about implementing VAPs.

Types are identified by the code attribute on this element. Data type: enum, Please visit the Special Request Codes section for an exhaustive list of possible codes.

Room Stay element

This element provides details about the room stay including guest counts, length of stay, daily charge for each day of the stay, and the total cost for the booking including taxes.

1<RoomStay roomTypeID="id" ratePlanID="id">
2<StayDate arrival="date" departure="date"/>
3<GuestCount adult={integer} child={integer}>
5<PerDayRates currency="code">
6<PerDayRate stayDate="date" baseRate={decimal} extraPersonFees={decimal}/>
8<Total amountAfterTaxes={decimal} amountOfTaxes={decimal} currency="code"/>
9<PaymentCard cardCode="code" cardNumber="card number" expireDate="MMYY">
10<CardHolder name="name" address="street address" city="city name" stateProv="code" country="code" postalCode="postal code" />
Attributes and child elements




Room type ID is a unique identifier defined by Expedia Group and mapped by property in the Expedia Group system. Data type: string, minimum length: 1, maximum length: 50.


Rate plan ID is a unique identifier defined by Expedia Group and mapped by the property in the Expedia Group system.Note:@RatePlanID ending with letter “A”indicateHotel Collect rate plans (or the “Pay Later option with ETP plans). @RatePlanID with numerical value only indicates merchant/Expedia Collect rate plans. For more information, see the learn section about business models. Data type: string, minimum length: 1, maximum length: 50.


This element describes the dates of the booking. The arrival attribute refers to the arrival date of the customer, while the departure attribute refers to the departure date of the customer. Data type: date, as defined in ISO 8601 format. Will always be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.


Provides details on the number of guests included in the booking. The adult attribute refers to the number of adults in the room. The child attribute refers to the number of children in the room (including infants). If no children are included in the reservation, the element does not appear in the message. Data type: integer, minimum value = 0, maximum value = 28.


This element displays the age of each individual child sharing the room with 0 to 6 occurrences of this container element. It appears to hotels that have specifically enabled this feature. Anyone who would like to enable this feature can contact us. The age attribute is used to return the ages of any children included in the reservation. Data type: integer, minimum value = 0, maximum value = 18.


Appears once per day of the stay and indicates the rate for each day. The currency attribute is the 3-letter currency code assigned to the property in Partner Central, based on the ISO-4217 specification. Data type: string.

Child element:

  • <PerDayRate> - Details of the per day rate. 1 to 28 occurrences of this container element. Includes the following attributes:
  • stayDate- the date to which the room rate applies. Data type: date, as defined in ISO 8601 format. Will always be in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD.
  • baseRate- Base rate for one day of the stay, including any promotional discounts. Expedia Group returns the net rate for Expedia Collect bookings even when the property is managing lowest available rate (LAR). Expedia Group will return sell rate for Updated Expedia Collect bookings and Hotel Collect bookings, even when the property is managing net rate. Data type: decimal, minimum value = 0
  • extraPersonFees- Extra person fees included in the total amount, if any. Data type: decimal, minimum value = 0
  • hotelServiceFees- Hotel service fees/charges included in the total amount, if any. Data type: decimal, minimum value = 0
  • promoName- Name of promotion applied to base rate. Promotions and their notification codes can be configured in Partner Central or set up by the Expedia Group Market Manager for the property. If the property uses Expedia Flexible Rate, the string will begin with “EFR*” if an Expedia Flexible Rate is applied to this stay date. Data type: string, string length will not exceed 32 characters.


This is a container element for the total price of the booking. Includes the following attributes:

  • amountAfterTaxes- Total charge, which could either be a net or sell value. Specifics on what is included in the amount can be found here. Data type: decimal, minimum value = 0
  • amountOfTaxes- Amount of taxes included in the amountAfterTaxes attribute. Data type: decimal, minimum value = 0
  • amountOfTaxes- Total taxes, which could either be a net or gross value. Specifications on what is included in the amount can be found here. This will be the sum of all amounts in the child elements. With the current implementation Expedia only sends one child element for, but this could change in the future. Data type: decimal, minimum value = 0
  • currency- The currency attribute is the 3-letter currency code assigned to the property in Partner Central, based on the ISO-4217 specification. Data type: string.


This defines whether the value sent in the PerDayRate @baseRate element is net or sell. Values include Net or Sell. Data type: String


This defines the method of payment. Values include VirtualCard, BankTransfer, CustomerCreditCard, Cash, and None. Data type: String


This is a container element that holds details about the amount that can be charged and the payment model. Includes the following attributes:

  • amount- Amount that can be charged on the VirtualCard, or requested in Partner Central.. Data type: Money
  • currencyCode- Currency of total payment amount. Data type: ISO 4217 String 3
  • model- What the amount paid includes. See the Learn section for additional details. Possible values include Net and Gross. Data type: String


This element applies to all bookings paid by credit card. Contains details of the credit card, including card type, card number, expiration date, cardholder name and address.

For Expedia Collect bookings, this node will contain the Expedia Virtual Card (EVC) information. For Hotel Collect bookings, this node will contain the traveler's credit card information.

Attributes include:

  • cardCode- 2-letter code for the credit card type. Data type: string,

Card Code

Card Type


American Express


Carte Blanche


Diners Club


Discover Card


Japan Credit Bureau




China Union Pay



  • cardNumber- Credit card number. Data type: string, string length 1-19.
  • seriesCode- Optional. CVV/CSV code. Data type : string, string length 1-8.
  • expireDate- Expiration date of the credit card. Data type: MMYY.
  • cardActivation- Sent only if the PaymentMethod is VirtualCard. It represents when the virtual card can be charged. Data type: ISO 8601 Timestamp

Child elements:

  • <CardHolder> - This element describes the credit card holder's name and billing address. For Expedia Virtual Card bookings, the billing address provided is Expedia Group US headquarters. For Hotel Collect bookings, the address provided is a fake/dummy address because Expedia Group does not collect customer addresses.
  • Includes the following attributes:
  • name– Cardholder name. Data type: string, string length 1-64
  • address– Street number and street name. Data type: string, string length 1-64
  • city– City name. Data type: string, string length 1-64
  • stateProv- State or province name. Data type: string, string length 1-64
  • country- 2 letter country code. Data type: string, ISO 3166 code list
  • postalCode- Postal or zip code. Data type: string, string length 1-16

PrimaryGuest element

This is a container element for information regarding the primary traveler for a specific booking.

2 <Name givenName="name" middleName="" surname="lastname" />
3 <Phone countryCode="number" cityAreaCode="areacode" number="phonenumber" extension="number" />
4 <Email>email</Email>
Child elements




This element is a container for the primary traveler's name.

  • Attributes include givenName, the first name of the main customer for this room booking. The surname attribute refers to the surname (last name) of the main customer for this reservation.Optional: The middleName attribute refers to the Middle name of the main customer for this room booking, if provided. Data type: string, string length does not exceed 60 characters


This is a container element for the phone number of the primary traveler for this booking, when included.

  • Attributes include:
  • countryCode- Phone number country code. Data type: integer, maximum size: 1,000
  • cityAreaCode- Phone number city area code. Data type: integer, maximum size: 100,000,000
  • number–Optional. Phone number of the primary traveler, if available. Data type: string, maximum length: 32
  • extension- Phone number extension. Data type: integer, maximum size: 100,000,000


This element contains the primary traveler's email address or email alias provided by Expedia Group. This information is not included by default. Properties that need assistance with this feature, or want to discuss enabling email address should contact their Market Manager.


Booking Retrieval Request: pending bookings

The following is a sample booking retrieval request for all pending bookings for a user (with one or more properties). If no Hotel ID is specified, all pending bookings for all properties associated with this user will be returned.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!--Sample booking retrieval request where partner requests all pending bookings for all his properties-->
3<BookingRetrievalRQ xmlns="">
4 <Authentication username="testuser" password="testpass"/>

Booking Retrieval Request: retrieving a specific booking ID

The following is a sample booking retrieval request for one booking that was already sent to the property electronically through the API and for which the property wants to receive the latest details.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!--Sample booking retrieval request where partner requests one booking he was already aware of for one of his hotels-->
3<BookingRetrievalRQ xmlns="">
4 <Authentication username="testuser" password="testpass"/>
5 <Hotel id="3546"/>
6 <ParamSet>
7 <Booking id="849123"/>
8 </ParamSet>
Note: If a specific booking expired and reverted to alternate delivery method (email), it will not be possible to retrieve it, even when using the booking ID.

Booking Retrieval Request: all the bookings of the past 5 days

The following is a sample booking retrieval request where the property requests all the bookings that were generated in the past 5 days, including already retrieved and pending bookings.

1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<!--Sample booking retrieval request where partner requests all the bookings that were generated in the past 5 days (note that bookings that expired and reverted to email won't be returned by this call)-->
3<BookingRetrievalRQ xmlns="">
4 <Authentication username="testuser" password="testpass"/>
5 <ParamSet>
6 <NbDaysInPast>5</NbDaysInPast>
7 </ParamSet>


  • Bookings that reverted to email will not be returned by this call.
  • A property parameter may also be added in this request.
  • Expedia Virtual Card payment information is not included in the response after 48 hours of the initial booking or modification (the information can only be retrieved afterward by contacting Expedia).

Booking Retrieval Response: 2 new bookings returned with Value Add Promotion

The following is a sample booking retrieval response for a pending booking request. Two new bookings are returned: (1) a booking for a family of 4 for a week, and (2) another booking for 1 person for 2 days. Both bookings contain a special request with code 6 to describe a special value add promotion that was included.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="2543453245546" type="Book" createDateTime="2020-10-25T09:30:47Z" source="Expedia" status="pending">
4 <Hotel id="3546"/>
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="965645" ratePlanID="956589">
6 <StayDate arrival="2020-12-24" departure="2020-12-31"/>
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="2">
8 <Child age="1"/>
9 <Child age="17"/>
10 </GuestCount>
11 <PerDayRates currency="EUR">
12 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-24" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
13 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-25" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
14 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-26" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
15 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-27" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
16 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-28" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
17 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-29" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
18 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-30" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00" promoName="1 week 10pct off"/>
19 </PerDayRates>
20 <Total amountAfterTaxes="1529.50" amountOfTaxes="199.50" currency="EUR"/>
21 </RoomStay>
22 <PrimaryGuest>
23 <Name givenName="John" middleName="F." surname="Smith"/>
24 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="5558975" extension="3233"/>
25 </PrimaryGuest>
26 <RewardProgram code="AJ" number="49876"/>
27 <SpecialRequest code="1.23">2 Queen</SpecialRequest>
28 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-smoking</SpecialRequest>
29 <SpecialRequest code="4">Late check-in (after 6pm)</SpecialRequest>
30 <SpecialRequest code="6">10% off Spa Package</SpecialRequest>
31 </Booking>
32 <Booking id="35645" type="Book" createDateTime="2006-10-25T10:19:47Z" source="" status="pending">
33 <Hotel id="3546"/>
34 <RoomStay roomTypeID="965640" ratePlanID="925569">
35 <StayDate arrival="2020-10-13" departure="2020-10-15"/>
36 <GuestCount adult="1"/>
37 <PerDayRates currency="EUR">
38 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-10-13" baseRate="125.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00"/>
39 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-10-14" baseRate="125.00" hotelServiceFees="10.00"/>
40 </PerDayRates>
41 <Total amountAfterTaxes="285.00" amountOfTaxes="15.00" currency="EUR"/>
42 </RoomStay>
43 <PrimaryGuest>
44 <Name givenName="Bob" surname="Doe"/>
45 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="450" number="5526596"/>
46 </PrimaryGuest>
47 <RewardProgram code="AJ" number="25613"/>
48 <SpecialRequest code="1.14">1 king</SpecialRequest>
49 <SpecialRequest code="2.2">Smoking</SpecialRequest>
50 <SpecialRequest code="6">10% off Spa Package</SpecialRequest>
51 </Booking>
52 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: 1 modified booking returned

The following is a sample booking retrieval response for a pending booking request. It returns one modified booking.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="3465456" type="Modify" createDateTime="2006-10-25T09:30:47Z" source="Expedia" status="pending" confirmNumber="EXP4433">
4 <Hotel id="3546"/>
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="965645" ratePlanID="956589">
6 <StayDate arrival="2007-02-24" departure="2007-02-28"/>
7 <GuestCount adult="2"/>
8 <PerDayRates currency="EUR">
9 <PerDayRate stayDate="2007-02-24" baseRate="115.00"/>
10 <PerDayRate stayDate="2007-02-25" baseRate="115.00"/>
11 <PerDayRate stayDate="2007-02-26" baseRate="115.00"/>
12 <PerDayRate stayDate="2007-02-27" baseRate="115.00"/>
13 </PerDayRates>
14 <Total amountAfterTaxes="500.00" amountOfTaxes="40.00" currency="EUR"/>
15 </RoomStay>
16 <PrimaryGuest>
17 <Name givenName="Jerry" middleName="W." surname="Lay"/>
18 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="5558512"/>
19 </PrimaryGuest>
20 <RewardProgram code="QI" number="2456"/>
21 <SpecialRequest code="1.14">1 King</SpecialRequest>
22 </Booking>
23 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: 2 cancelled bookings returned

The following is a sample booking retrieval response for a pending booking request. It returns two cancelled bookings.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="5634564" type="Cancel" createDateTime="2020-10-26T11:30:47Z" source="Expedia" status="pending" confirmNumber="EXP1234">
4 <Hotel id="3546"/>
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="0" ratePlanID="0">
6 <StayDate arrival="2010-02-24" departure="2018-02-28"/>
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="3">
8 <Child age="3"/>
9 <Child age="6"/>
10 <Child age="17"/>
11 </GuestCount>
12 <PerDayRates>
13 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-02-24" baseRate="0.00"/>
14 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-02-25" baseRate="0.00"/>
15 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-02-26" baseRate="0.00"/>
16 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-02-27" baseRate="0.00"/>
17 </PerDayRates>
18 <Total amountAfterTaxes="0.00" amountOfTaxes="0.00"/>
19 </RoomStay>
20 <PrimaryGuest>
21 <Name givenName="Jerry" middleName="W." surname="Lay"/>
22 </PrimaryGuest>
23 </Booking>
24 <Booking id="5465498" type="Cancel" createDateTime="2006-10-26T11:44:47Z" source="Expedia" status="pending" confirmNumber="EXP4321">
25 <Hotel id="3546"/>
26 <RoomStay roomTypeID="0" ratePlanID="0">
27 <StayDate arrival="2010-01-15" departure="2010-01-19"/>
28 <GuestCount adult="2" child="2">
29 <Child age="3"/>
30 <Child age="11"/>
31 </GuestCount>
32 <PerDayRates>
33 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-01-15" baseRate="0.00"/>
34 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-01-16" baseRate="0.00"/>
35 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-01-17" baseRate="0.00"/>
36 <PerDayRate stayDate="2010-01-18" baseRate="0.00"/>
37 </PerDayRates>
38 <Total amountAfterTaxes="0.00" amountOfTaxes="0.00"/>
39 </RoomStay>
40 <PrimaryGuest>
41 <Name givenName="John" surname="Smith"/>
42 </PrimaryGuest>
43 </Booking>
44 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: new booking with Expedia Virtual Card details

The following is a sample booking retrieval response for a pending booking request. One new booking is returned for a family of 4 for a three-day stay, payable to the property via Expedia Virtual Card.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="477346" type="Book" createDateTime="2006-10-25T09:30:47Z" source="Expedia" status="pending">
4 <Hotel id="3546"/>
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="965645" ratePlanID="956589">
6 <StayDate arrival="2020-12-27" departure="2020-12-30"/>
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="2">
8 <Child age="1"/>
9 <Child age="17"/>
10 </GuestCount>
11 <PerDayRates currency="EUR">
12 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-27" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00"/>
13 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-28" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00"/>
14 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-29" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00"/>
15 </PerDayRates>
16 <Total amountAfterTaxes="829.50" amountOfTaxes="199.50" currency="EUR"/>
17 <PaymentCard cardCode="VI" cardNumber="****23456" expireDate="1206" seriesCode="981">
18 <CardHolder name="ExpediaVirtualCard" address="1111 Expedia Group Way W" city="Seattle" stateProv="WA" country="US" postalCode="98119"/>
19 </PaymentCard>
20 </RoomStay>
21 <PrimaryGuest>
22 <Name givenName="John" middleName="F." surname="Smith"/>
23 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="5558975" extension="3233"/>
24 </PrimaryGuest>
25 <SpecialRequest code="5">Bill only nights booked by Expedia to cc# @ ck-in gst pays incid </SpecialRequest>
26 <SpecialRequest code="1.23">2 Queen</SpecialRequest>
27 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-smoking</SpecialRequest>
28 </Booking>
29 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Request and Response for pending and already retrieved bookings

The following is a sample RQ/RS pair showing a request to retrieve bookings that were previously retrieved but not confirmed yet, as well as pending bookings. The response contains a booking that was already retrieved along with a booking that was in pending state (never retrieved yet) at the time of the BR request.

1<BookingRetrievalRQ xmlns="">
2 <Authentication username="testuser" password="testpass"/>
3 <Hotel id="1234"/>
4 <ParamSet>
5 <Status value="pending"/>
6 <Status value="retrieved"/>
7 </ParamSet>
9<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
10 <Bookings>
11 <Booking id="6619" type="Book" createDateTime="2013-12-12T00:01:00Z" source="" status="pending">
12 <Hotel id="123456"/>
13 <RoomStay roomTypeID="200263232" ratePlanID="201547528A">
14 <StayDate arrival="2014-01-01" departure="2014-01-02"/>
15 <GuestCount adult="2"/>
16 <PerDayRates currency="USD">
17 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-01" baseRate="109.99" promoName="ASAP DEAL 50pct"/>
18 </PerDayRates>
19 <Total amountAfterTaxes="124.29" amountOfTaxes="14.30" currency="USD"/>
20 <PaymentCard cardCode="VI" cardNumber="****4327" expireDate="1220" seriesCode="123">
21 <CardHolder name="John Smith" address="Any street1" city="Any city" stateProv="Any province" country="US" postalCode="98004"/>
22 </PaymentCard>
23 </RoomStay>
24 <PrimaryGuest>
25 <Name givenName="John" surname="Smith"/>
26 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="425" number="5555555"/>
27 </PrimaryGuest>
28 <SpecialRequest code="1.14">One King Bed</SpecialRequest>
29 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-Smoking</SpecialRequest>
30 <SpecialRequest code="3">Multi-room booking. Primary traveler:Smith, John. 1 of 2 rooms.</SpecialRequest>
31 <SpecialRequest code="4">Adjoining rooms please</SpecialRequest>
32 <SpecialRequest code="5">Hotel Collect Booking Collect Payment From Guest</SpecialRequest>
33 </Booking>
34 <Booking id="9301" type="Book" createDateTime="2013-12-12T12:03:00Z" source="Expedia" status="retrieved">
35 <Hotel id="654321"/>
36 <RoomStay roomTypeID="200225905" ratePlanID="201297424">
37 <StayDate arrival="2014-01-26" departure="2014-02-02"/>
38 <GuestCount adult="2"/>
39 <PerDayRates currency="ZAR">
40 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-26" baseRate="756.58"/>
41 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-27" baseRate="756.58"/>
42 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-28" baseRate="756.58"/>
43 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-29" baseRate="756.58"/>
44 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-30" baseRate="756.58"/>
45 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-01-31" baseRate="756.58"/>
46 <PerDayRate stayDate="2014-02-01" baseRate="1085.53"/>
47 </PerDayRates>
48 <Total amountAfterTaxes="6412.50" amountOfTaxes="787.49" currency="ZAR"/>
49 <BaseRateType>Sell</BaseRateType>
50 <PaymentMethod>VirtualCard</PaymentMethod>
51 <Payment amount="232.00" currencyCode="USD" model="Gross">
52 <PaymentCard cardCode="MC" cardNumber="***1234" expireDate="1116" cardActivation="2020-10-01T00:00:00Z">
53 <CardHolder name="Expedia VirtualCard" address="1111 Expedia Group Way W" city="Seattle" stateProv="WA" country="US" postalCode="98119"/>
54 </PaymentCard>
55 </RoomStay>
56 <PrimaryGuest>
57 <Name givenName="Jeff" surname="Pirelli"/>
58 <Phone countryCode="44" cityAreaCode="071" number="0123876"/>
59 </PrimaryGuest>
60 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-Smoking</SpecialRequest>
61 <SpecialRequest code="1.13">One Double Bed</SpecialRequest>
62 <SpecialRequest code="5">Bill only nghts bkd by Expedia to cc# @ ck-in gst pays incid</SpecialRequest>
63 </Booking>
64 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: Hotel Collect booking with No Credit Card Booking returned

The following is a sample Booking Retrieval response for a pending booking request. One new booking is returned for a family of 4 for a three-day stay who booked without a credit card, payable to the property upon arrival.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="477346" type="Book" createDateTime="2006-10-25T09:30:47Z" source="A-Expedia" status="pending">
4 <Hotel id="3546"/>
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="965645" ratePlanID="956589A">
6 <StayDate arrival="2020-12-27" departure="2020-12-30"/>
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="2">
8 <Child age="1"/>
9 <Child age="17"/>
10 </GuestCount>
11 <PerDayRates currency="EUR">
12 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-27" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00"/>
13 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-28" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00"/>
14 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-29" baseRate="155.00" extraPersonFees="25.00"/>
15 </PerDayRates>
16 <Total amountAfterTaxes="829.50" amountOfTaxes="199.50" currency="EUR"/>
17 </RoomStay>
18 <PrimaryGuest>
19 <Name givenName="John" middleName="F." surname="Smith"/>
20 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="5558975" extension="3233"/>
21 </PrimaryGuest>
22 <SpecialRequest code="5">This guest booked without a credit card and will pay upon arrival. Be sure to reconcile this reservation and waive the cancellation fee to avoid paying unnecessary compensation if the guest cancels or doesn't show up. </SpecialRequest>
23 <SpecialRequest code="1.23">2 Queen</SpecialRequest>
24 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-smoking</SpecialRequest>
25 </Booking>
26 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: with Expedia Group Email Alias

The following is a sample Booking Retrieval response for a pending booking request. It contains the Expedia Group email alias that replaces the customer email address.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="1164533511" type="Book" createDateTime="2018-12-17T01:37:00Z" source="" status="confirmed" confirmNumber="7340586333">
4 <Hotel id="32447456" />
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="216628511" ratePlanID="264128466">
6 <StayDate arrival="2018-12-20" departure="2018-12-21" />
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="0" />
8 <PerDayRates currency="CAD">
9 <PerDayRate stayDate="2018-12-20" baseRate="41.82" />
10 </PerDayRates>
11 <Total amountAfterTaxes="49.76" amountOfTaxes="7.94" currency="CAD" />
12 <PaymentCard cardCode="VI" cardNumber="****56789" expireDate="1220" seriesCode="981">
13 <CardHolder name="ExpediaVirtualCard" address="1111 Expedia Group Way W" city="Seattle" stateProv="WA" country="US" postalCode="98119" />
14 </PaymentCard>
15 </RoomStay>
16 <PrimaryGuest>
17 <Name givenName="Allen" middleName="F." surname="Johnson" />
18 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="3331234" extension="3233" />
19 <Email></Email>
20 </PrimaryGuest>
21 <SpecialRequest code="1.15">1 queen bed</SpecialRequest>
22 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-Smoking</SpecialRequest>
23 <SpecialRequest code="5">Expedia Virtual Card will be activated from the day of Check-in.</SpecialRequest>
24 </Booking>
25 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: Tax Inclusive properties

The following is a sample Booking Retrieval response for a Tax Inclusive property. The sum of the rates in the PerDayRates node will be equal to the @Total amountAfterTaxes. The @amountOfTaxes will not be specified since all rates should be tax inclusive.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="477346" type="Book" createDateTime="2006-10-25T09:30:47Z" source="A-Expedia" status="pending">
4 <Hotel id="3546"/>
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="965645" ratePlanID="956589A">
6 <StayDate arrival="2020-12-27" departure="2020-12-30"/>
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="2">
8 <Child age="1"/>
9 <Child age="17"/>
10 </GuestCount>
11 <PerDayRates currency="EUR">
12 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-27" baseRate="155.00"/>
13 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-28" baseRate="155.00"/>
14 <PerDayRate stayDate="2020-12-29" baseRate="155.00"/>
15 </PerDayRates>
16 <Total amountAfterTaxes="465.00" currency="EUR"/>
17 </RoomStay>
18 <PrimaryGuest>
19 <Name givenName="John" middleName="F." surname="Smith"/>
20 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="5558975" extension="3233"/>
21 </PrimaryGuest>
22 <SpecialRequest code="5">This guest booked without a credit card and will pay upon arrival. Be sure to reconcile this reservation and waive the cancellation fee to avoid paying unnecessary compensation if the guest cancels or doesn't show up. </SpecialRequest>
23 <SpecialRequest code="1.23">2 Queen</SpecialRequest>
24 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-smoking</SpecialRequest>
25 </Booking>
26 </Bookings>

Booking Retrieval Response: with Unicode characters

Properties using this feature can receive guest names and special requests in a locally relevant language. Below is a sample Booking Retrieval response where guest names and special requests are specified in Chinese. More details in the What’s New? section.

1<BookingRetrievalRS xmlns="">
2 <Bookings>
3 <Booking id="1164533511" type="Book" createDateTime="2018-12-17T01:37:00Z" source="" status="confirmed" confirmNumber="7340586333">
4 <Hotel id="32447456" />
5 <RoomStay roomTypeID="216628511" ratePlanID="264128466">
6 <StayDate arrival="2018-12-20" departure="2018-12-21" />
7 <GuestCount adult="2" child="0" />
8 <PerDayRates currency="CAD">
9 <PerDayRate stayDate="2018-12-20" baseRate="41.82" />
10 </PerDayRates>
11 <Total amountAfterTaxes="49.76" amountOfTaxes="7.94" currency="CAD" />
12 <PaymentCard cardCode="VI" cardNumber="****56789" expireDate="1220" seriesCode="981">
13 <CardHolder name="ExpediaVirtualCard" address="1111 Expedia Group Way W" city="Seattle" stateProv="WA" country="US" postalCode="98119" />
14 </PaymentCard>
15 </RoomStay>
16 <PrimaryGuest>
17 <Name givenName="明海" middleName="" surname="" />
18 <Phone countryCode="1" cityAreaCode="514" number="3331234" extension="3233" />
19 <Email></Email>
20 </PrimaryGuest>
21 <SpecialRequest code="1.15">1 queen bed</SpecialRequest>
22 <SpecialRequest code="2.1">Non-Smoking</SpecialRequest>
23 <SpecialRequest code="4">需要接机 谢谢</SpecialRequest>
24 <SpecialRequest code="5">Expedia Virtual Card will be activated from the day of Check-in.</SpecialRequest>
25 </Booking>
26 </Bookings>


The following enumerated values are used by the Booking Retrieval API.

Different rate plan values

Expedia Collect booking

Hotel Collect booking

Equivalent to internal Expedia rate plan ID

Equal to the internal Expedia rate plan ID = “A”

Different rate values

Expedia Collect booking

Hotel Collect booking

Net rate

Sell rate

Different payment card information

Expedia Collect booking

Hotel Collect booking

Either no payment information or Expedia Virtual Card (EVC) payment information

Customer credit card payment information

Credit card codes

Card Code

Card Type


American Express


Carte Blanche


Diners Club


Discover Card


Japan Credit Bureau




China Union Pay



Booking source

These values are used for <@source> in L2. This is required for you to transmit notifications from each booking source to the property. Max string length: 32 characters/

Note: These values are also included for any notifications that expire and fall back to email transmission.

Expedia Collect Booking

Hotel Collect Booking



Expedia Affiliate Network

A-Expedia Affiliate Network

















American Express Travel

A-American Express Travel

Amex The Hotel Collection

A-Amex The Hotel Collection



Special request codes

These codes are used to transmit information that cannot be stored elsewhere in the message. Your systems must be able to recognize these codes in the <SpecialRequest> element and accurately transcribe them so properties will know how to proceed with the request.




7 beds


9 beds


10 beds


11 beds


Multiple beds


Double bed


1 king bed


1 queen bed


1 twin bed


2 double beds


2 king beds


2 queen beds


2 twin beds


3 twin beds


4 twin beds


1 bed


2 beds


1 single bed


2 single beds


3 single beds


4 single beds


1 full bed


2 full beds


1 trundle bed


1 murphy bed


1 bunk bed


1 sofa bed


2 sofa beds


3 sofa beds


1 Japanese futon


3 beds


3 king beds


3 queen beds


4 beds


4 king beds


4 queen beds


1 kind and 1 single


1 queen and 1 single


1 double and 1 single


1 king and 1 sofa bed


1 queen and 2 single beds


1 double and 2 single beds


1 king and 1 sofa bed


1 queen and 1 sofa bed


1 double and 1 sofa bed


2 twin and 1 sofa bed


2 single and 1 sofa bed


1 king and 1 queen bed


2 double and 1 single bed


2 king and 1 single bed


1 double and 1 twin bed


6 beds


5 beds


2 extra-long double beds


1 semi-double bed


1 pullout bed


4 double and 1 queen sofa bed


2 king and 1 queen sofa bed


2 double and 1 sofa bed


4 double beds


3 double beds


2 double and 2 single beds


1 queen and 1 double bed


2 queen and 1 sofa bed


4 double and 1 sofa bed


2 king and 1 sofa bed


Quadruple Occupancy


Triple Occupancy


Double Occupancy


Single Occupancy


1 double or 2 twin beds


1 double or 1 twin bed


1 king and 1 double bed


1 double and 1 bunk bed


1 double and 2 bunk beds


1 double and 2 single sofa beds


1 double and 2 sofa beds


1 double and 3 single beds


1 double and 3 sofa beds


1 double, 1 single, and 1 bunk bed


1 double, 1 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 double, 1 sofa bed, and 1 bunk bed


1 double, 2 single, and 1 double sofa bed


1 double, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 double, 3 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 double, 3 twin, and 3 queen beds


1 king and 1 bunk bed


1 king and 2 queen beds


1 king and 4 single beds


1 king, 1 queen, and 1 sofa bed


1 king, 1 queen, and 3 single beds


1 king, 1 sofa bed, and 1 murphy bed


1 king, 2 double, and 1 sofa bed


1 king, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 queen and 1 bunk bed


1 queen and 1 murphy bed


1 queen and 2 bunk beds


1 queen and 2 double beds


1 queen and 2 sofa beds


1 queen and 3 single beds


1 queen and 4 single beds


1 queen, 1 bunk bed, and 1 sofa bed


1 queen, 1 murphy bed, and 1 sofa bed


1 single and 1 sofa bed


1 sofa bed and 1 bunk bed


2 bunk beds


2 double and 2 sofa beds


2 Japanese futons


2 king and 1 sofa bed


2 king and 2 queen beds


2 king, 2 single, and 1 bunk bed


2 king, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 queen and 1 bunk bed


2 queen and 1 single bed


2 queen and 1 trundle bed


2 queen and 2 single beds


2 single and 1 bunk bed


2 single and 2 bunk beds


2 single and 2 sofa beds


2 single and 3 sofa beds


3 double and 1 sofa bed


3 Japanese futons


3 queen and 1 sofa bed


3 queen and 2 single beds


3 queen, 2 single, and 2 bunk beds


4 Japanese futons


4 single and 1 sofa bed


5 single and 2 sofa beds


5 Japanese futons


5 queen and 4 single beds


6 Japanese futons


7 Japanese futons


8 Japanese futons


3 queen, 1 double, and 3 single beds


3 bunk beds


4 bunk beds


1 queen, 1 double, and 1 sofa bed


1 queen, 2 single, and 2 sofa beds


1 king, 1 queen, and 1 twin bed


1 king, 1 queen, and 2 twin beds


1 king, 2 queen, and 2 twin beds


1 king, 4 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 king, 4 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 king, 2 queen, and 2 twin beds


2 king, 2 double, and 1 sofa bed


1 king, 1 queen, 4 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 king, 2 double, 1 twin, and 2 sofa beds


1 double, 2 single, and 1 bunk bed


1 king, 1 queen, and 6 twin beds


1 king, 2 queen, 2 full, 3 twin, and 1 bunk bed


1 king, 3 queen, and 1 sofa bed


2 double, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 king and 4 single beds


2 king, 2 queen, and 1 sofa bed


2 queen, 2 single, and 2 sofa beds


8 beds


1 double and 4 bunk beds


1 double, 1 bunk, and 1 sofa bed


1 double, 1 sofa bed, and 1 trundle bed


1 double, 2 single, 1 sofa bed, and 1 trundle bed


1 king and 1 murphy bed


1 king, 1 queen, 2 full, and 1 bunk bed


1 king, 1 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 queen, 1 full, and 2 sofa beds


1 queen, 1 full, 1 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 single and 1 bunk bed


2 queen, 1 full, and 1 bunk bed


2 queen, 2 full, 4 bunk beds, and 1 sofa bed


3 queen and 1 single bed


3 single and 1 sofa bed


4 single and 3 double beds


2 king and 2 sofa beds


1 king and 2 full beds


1 single and 1 trundle bed


1 double and 12 single beds


1 double, 2 bunk, and 1 sofa bed


1 double, 2 single, and 4 sofa beds


1 double, 4 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 double, 5 single, and 2 sofa beds


1 king and 2 double beds


1 king and 3 bunk beds


1 king and 3 queen beds


1 king, 1 full, and 2 bunk beds


1 king, 1 full, 1 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 king, 2 full, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 king, 2 queen, and 1 murphy bed


1 king, 2 queen, 2 single, and 2 sofa beds


1 queen, 1 full, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 queen, 1 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 queen, 2 double, and 1 single bed


1 queen, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


1 sofa bed and 1 murphy bed


12 beds


2 double and 2 bunk beds


2 double, 1 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 king, 1 queen, and 1 sofa bed


2 king, 1 queen, and 4 single beds


2 king, 2 queen, and 1 single bed


2 king, 2 queen, and 4 single beds


2 queen, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 queen and 1 murphy bed


2 queen and 2 sofa beds


2 queen, 2 double, and 2 single beds


3 double and 1 single bed


3 king, 4 single, and 3 sofa beds


4 double and 1 bunk bed


4 double and 1 single bed


4 single and 2 bunk beds


1 queen, 1 double, and 1 murphy bed


1 queen, 1 sofa bed, and 1 Japanese futon


1 queen and 1 Japanese futon


1 king and 3 double beds


2 king and 3 double beds


2 king and 5 double beds


2 king, 5 double, and 2 single beds


2 king, 6 double, and 2 single beds


4 double, 2 single, and 1 sofa bed


2 double, 2 single, and 2 sofa beds


3 double and 2 sofa beds


3 double, 5 single, and 1 sofa bed


3 single and 1 bunk bed


2 double and 3 single beds


2 queen and 4 single beds


3 queen and 4 single beds


4 single and 1 double bed


2 king and 1 double bed






Multi-room booking and Mixed-rate bookings


Free text


Payment instruction


Value Add Promotions