ReferenceBooking Retrieval and Booking Confirmation APIs

Error handling

Error messaging in the Booking Retrieval and Booking Confirmation APIs help you understand why a Booking Retrieval or Booking Confirmation request is denied.

Error element

Occasionally, errors are encountered when developing and trying to connect to the Booking Retrieval or Booking Confirmation APIs. This element contains any error codes returned.

This element cannot be present at the same time as the <Bookings> element in the Booking Retrieval API. In the Booking Confirmation API, this element cannot be present at the same time as the <Success> node.

For a comprehensive list of error codes and troubleshooting tips, refer to the Testing and Troubleshooting section.

1<BookingConfirmRS xmlns="namespace">
2 <Error code="{integer}">error message</Error>

Child elements:




Error codes are defined by Expedia Group for specific errors. Data type: integer, codes will be between 1000 and 10,000

Error codes and descriptions: Booking Retrieval

For additional details, see the error descriptions in the Testing and Troubleshooting section.

Error Code

Error Description

Explanation and Partner Action



Access denied: You are not authorized to use this API. Please contact Expedia Group to gain access.

Do not retry. For assistance, please contact us.



Authentication error: invalid username or password

Do not retry. Verify username and password configured in your API interface. For assistance, please contact us.



The user account provided doesn't have the right access level

Do not retry. For assistance, please contact us.



Parsing error: parsing_error_description

Correct XML format to comply with the API's specification. Developers of your API system should be involved to find the problem.

Yes, after correction


The namespace specified is invalid

Correct namespace and retry. Please note that namespaces are used to version Expedia Group service interfaces. Developers of your system should be involved to find the problem.

Yes, after correction


Validation against schema failed because a value exceeds its defined length, the format is wrong, or because of another validation enforced by schema.

Correct the error in the system and drop this message (no retry). Developers of your system should be involved to find the problem.



Business validation error

You need to capture the description returned along with this code and should advise affected property of the error to verify if there is a problem with its system or the implementation of the API.

Yes, after verification


Update refused. Booking ID cannot be found.

A booking ID that cannot be accessed by the API was requested. Verify the booking ID and log on to Partner Central for more information about the booking.

Note: Bookings will be removed from the API system eight days after the traveler's departure and will no longer be available for electronic retrieval or confirmation.

Yes, after correction


Hotel ID not found. Either an invalid Hotel ID was specified or the account is not linked to this property.

Verify if there is a mapping issue in your system. If the mapping is correct, please verify that the user configured for the API has access to update this property (i.e. the user is able to access this property through Partner Central).

Yes, after verification


Your account is not linked to any properties.

When calling Booking Retrieval service, ensure there is at least one property associated with the account.

Yes, after correction


Hotel ID is a mandatory field for this request.

Specify the Hotel ID you need to retrieve bookings for.

Yes, after correction


Communication error: exceed max number of connections allowed (1).

You tried to open more than one simultaneous connection per property. For any given property, never attempt to send 2 concurrent messages. Always wait for Expedia Group to respond before sending another message.

Yes, after closing the other connection

4000, 4004, 4007

Internal system error, please try again in a few minutes.

Enter in incremental retry mode



Internal timeout error, please try again in a few minutes

Enter in incremental retry mode


4100, 4101

Internal System Error. Do not retry this request. Our support team was notified of the problem.

Do not retry. Expedia Group has been notified of the issue and is working to find a solution. It is recommended to manually update in Partner Central.



The API interface is temporarily closed. Please try again in a few minutes.

Enter in incremental retry mode



Internal database error. Please try again in a few minutes.

Enter in incremental retry mode


Error codes and descriptions: Booking Confirmation

For additional details, see the error descriptions in the Testing and Troubleshooting section.

Error Code

Error Description

Explanation and Partner Action



Access denied: You are not authorized to use this API. Please contact Expedia Group to gain access.

Do not retry. For assistance, please contact us.



Authentication error: invalid username or password

Do not retry. Verify username and password configured in your API interface. For assistance, please contact us.



Parsing error: parsing_error_description

Correct XML format to comply with the API's specification. Developers of your system should be involved to find the problem.

Yes, after correction


The namespace specified is invalid

Correct namespace and retry. Please note that namespaces are used to version Expedia Group service interfaces. Developers of your system should be involved to find the problem.

Yes, after correction


Validation against schema failed because a value exceeds its defined length, the format is wrong, or because of another validation enforced by schema.

Correct the error in the system and drop this message (no retry). Developers of your system should be involved to find the problem.



Update refused. No more than 10 confirmation numbers can be sent in a single message

Include fewer confirmation numbers in a single Booking Confirmation Request message. Resend the numbers by splitting them across multiple requests with fewer than 10 bookings each.

Yes, after correction

4000, 4004, 4007

Internal system error, please try again in a few minutes.

Enter in incremental retry mode



Internal timeout error, please try again in a few minutes

Enter in incremental retry mode


4100, 4101

Internal System Error. Do not retry this request. Our support team was notified of the problem.

Do not retry. Expedia Group has been notified of the issue and is working to find a solution. It is recommended to manually update in Partner Central.



The API interface is temporarily closed. Please try again in a few minutes.

Enter in incremental retry mode



Internal database error. Please try again in a few minutes.

Enter in incremental retry mode



Update refused. Booking ID cannot be found

A booking ID that cannot be accessed by the API was requested. Verify the booking ID and log on to Partner Central for more information about the booking.

Note: Bookings will be removed from the API system 8 days after the traveler's departure and will no longer be available for electronic retrieval or confirmation.

Yes, after correction


Update refused. Hotel ID and Booking ID mismatch: the Hotel ID specified in the Booking Confirmation request doesn't match with the property this booking belongs to

Verify the Booking ID/Hotel ID mapping information. If this looks good, and the error recurs, validate the behavior of your system.

Yes, after verification


Update refused. The specified booking type does not match the one Expedia Group has stored for this booking ID in our system

Make sure the booking ID specified in the request message is the one requiring confirmation. The booking type that should be sent with the booking ID can be found in the Booking Retrieval response message.

If this does not work, please verify your implementation of the API.

Yes, after verification


Update refused. Confirmation for bookings must be sent no more than 8 days after traveler departure, which for this booking was on (date).

Verify that the booking ID specified in the Booking Confirmation request message is correct.

If this does not work, please verify your implementation of the API.

Yes, after verification


Booking confirmation refused for booking because a newer version of this booking is awaiting retrieval.

Issue a Booking Retrieval request to return the newest version of the booking, then send the newest confirmation number for the booking.

This confirmation should either be discarded if it has become irrelevant due to the change awaiting retrieval, or resent after the Booking Retrieval has been performed.

Yes, after correction


Booking confirmation [confirmation number] refused for booking [booking ID] because this booking has already been confirmed 3 times. Any subsequent confirmation will be refused.

Only 3 different confirmation numbers can be sent for one booking instance (where “booking instance” is defined as one version of the booking. Every modification or cancellation is considered a different instance).

Only send confirmation numbers once per booking instance, or any time the actual property confirmation number changes.

Yes, after verification


Update refused. Internal system error, please try again in a few minutes for this booking.

Please retry. Confirmation number may not have been stored.
