Booking Notification API
ReferenceBooking Notification API

Message overview

Booking Notification API is a SOAP-based API that enables you to receive notifications for new, modified, or cancelled reservations in near real time made on any Expedia Group point of sale to you.

The revision history describes what's included in the latest version.

The Booking Notification API uses these message pairs:

  • OTA_HotelResNotifRQ and OTA_HotelResNotifRS
  • OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRQ and OTA_HotelResModifyNotifRS
  • OTA_CancelRQ and OTA_CancelRS

Here is an overview of the workflow:

booking notification api documentation update image2

The table below provides a brief description for each message in the Booking Notification delivery group:




Sends a reservation to another system. The message assumes a push model, with the originating system pushing


Returns a confirmation that the reservation has been successfully received, or includes errors if the request did not succeed.


Sends a reservation modification to another system using a full overlay. The message assumes a push model, with the originating system pushing the data to another system.


Returns a confirmation that the reservation modification has been successfully received, or includes errors if the request did not succeed.


Identifies the reservation and requests a cancellation.


Returns a cancellation number upon execution of the cancel action, or errors if the cancellation request did not process successfully.

Each message will be sent in SOAP envelopes within HTTPS posts. The message header will be built using the common header structure, and the message body will contain the appropriate OTA message.

The common header structure is described in the SOAP Header section.

Note: Success messages may include warnings that require action by the Expedia Group. You need to code these errors so Expedia Group can make any necessary corrections to the booking notification request parameters. See Error handling for more details.