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Constructing the request URL

The request URL—the URL that will return results from an attach module—consists of a domain, an endpoint, request parameters, and a signature parameter. This example shows a confirmed flight to LAX for 2 adults leaving January 2, 2023 and returning January 12, 2023 that was booked on November 12, 2022.


Constructing request parameters

In general, request parameters include details regarding the booked reservation, such as the destination and the trip start and end dates. This information is used to generate recommendations for the attach module. Some parameters are optional in a request, but some are required to return results.



For security, ensure that all parameter values are percent-encoded UTF-8.

Available request parameters

ParameterDescriptionSample valueRequired
partnerIdString value provided by Expedia that’s used to identify your organization in request parameterspartnername_hotel_conf_overlayYes
bookingStatusString value that specifies the reservation status, which determines whether attach rates can be applied; if the booking status is pending or failed, no attach rates will be appliedconfirmedYes
bookingDateTimeString value that specifies the date of the reservation; includes date, time, and time zone in ISO 8601 format2024-08-29T05:54:02

Encoded value: 2024-08-29T05%3A54%3A02
outboundEndDateTimeString value that specifies the arrival at the destination; includes date, time, and time zone in ISO 8601 format2024-08-29T05:54:02

Encoded value: 2024-08-29T05%3A54%3A02
returnStartDateTimeString value that specifies the departure from the destination; includes date, time, and time zone in ISO 8601 format Note: If unspecified, the default length of trip is 7 days2024-08-29T05:54:02

Encoded value: 2024-08-29T05%3A54%3A02
locale5-character string provided by Expedia that indicates the language in which the reservation was madeen-USYes
currencyCodeString provided by Expedia that indicates the currency in which the reservation was madeUSDYes
destinationTla3-character string indicating the International Air Transport Association (IATA) airport code for the destination

Note: The request URL must include either this parameter (for bookings that include a flight) OR latitude and longitude (if no flight is included)
latitude and longitudeFloat value of up to 12 decimals that specifies trip destination's coordinates Note: The request URL must include either this parameter (if no flight is included) OR destinationTla (for bookings that include a flight)latitude=40.7141667
signature27-character alphanumeric string value you’ll generate based on a secret key we provide See Building the request URL for more informationBcND1F7KElTyGtyUHeXHd2JJLFsYes
numOfAdultsInteger specifying the number of adults on the reservation; minimum 12Yes
numOfChildrenInteger specifying the number of children on the reservation3
childAgesComma-delimited integer array specifying the ages of any children on the reservation; only required if numOfChildren is passed5,4,2Yes, if numOfChildren is passed

We’ve included some scenarios to help you understand the values for both straightforward and more complicated trips.


One-way trip example

As you might expect with a one-way trip, you would not be including the returnStartDateTime as part of the result parameter, so the default of 7 days will apply. For a direct one-way trip leaving Chicago on September 10, 2024 at 1:00 pm and arriving in Las Vegas the same day at 4:00 pm, the parameters might look like this:

  • bookingDateTime: 2024-09-01T05:54:02
  • origin: ORD
  • destinationTla: LAS
  • outboundStartDateTime: 2024-09-10T11:00:00
  • outboundEndDateTime: 2024-09-10T16:00:00
  • returnStartDateTime: 2024-09-17T12:00:00


Round trip example

A request for a direct round-trip booking to the same destinations, returning on September 14, 2024, might include parameters like this:

  • bookingDateTime: 2024-09-01T05:54:02
  • origin: ORD
  • destinationTla: LAS
  • outboundStartDateTime: 2024-09-10T11:00:00
  • outboundEndDateTime: 2024-09-10T16:00:00
  • returnStartDateTime: 2024-09-14T18:00:00


Multi-destination trip example

For a trip with multiple destinations, each leg will have different values for the outboundStartDateTime and outboundEndDateTime. A round-trip booking from Chicago to San Francisco with a stop in Las Vegas might look like this:

Leg 1: Chicago to Las Vegas

  • bookingDateTime: 2024-09-01T05:54:02
  • origin: ORD
  • destinationTla: LAS
  • outboundStartDateTime: 2024-09-10T11:05:00
  • outboundEndDateTime: 2024-09-10T16:17:00

Leg 2: Las Vegas to San Francisco

  • origin: LAS
  • destinationTla: SFO
  • outboundStartDateTime: 2024-09-12T13:27:00
  • outboundEndDateTime: 2024-09-12T16:10:00

Leg 3: San Francisco to Chicago

  • origin: SFO
  • destinationTla: ORD
  • outboundStartDateTime: 2024-09-14T16:15:00
  • outboundEndDateTime: 2024-09-14T20:22:00


Building the request URL

All request URLs will include the domain and endpoint followed by the request parameters, and will end with the signature generated with the secret key.

Secret key

A secret key is an alphanumeric string that is shared securely by Expedia and used to generate a signature that verifies the transaction. It will be 36 characters long, and it’s associated with the partnerId.



Keep your secret key in a secure location and use it only for generating the signature. Do not pass the secret as a parameter during URL construction.

Domain, endpoint, and request parameters

Your request URL starts with the domain. We recommend that you keep the Expedia domain for request URLs protocol-agnostic: // The next section of the URL is the request string, which consists of the case-sensitive endpoint /xsell-pwa.js? and the request parameters. Remember that the request parameters should be UTF-8 percent-encoded.

Step 1: Construct the request string

The request string includes the endpoint and request parameters (but not the domain). It should look something like this.


Step 2: Sign the request

The string obtained from Step 1 (including the leading /) should be signed with a hash-based message authentication algorithm (HMAC-SHA1) using the secret key shared by Expedia. In most cryptographic libraries, the resulting signature will be in binary format.

There are many implementations of this cryptographic hash function defined in the RFC 2104 for computer languages and frameworks. The available implementations include:

Step 3: Encode the resulting signature

Encode the binary signature using the modified Base64 for URLs, which replaces the + and / characters of the Base64 output with - (hyphen) and _ (underscore), respectively, to make it URL safe (see RFC 4648 for additional information). It should look similar to this:


It’s also important to note that the padding = (if any) should be removed from the Base64 encoded string.

Step 4: Build the final request URL

Append the signature from step 3 to the string in step 1 as a signature parameter. The signature should always be the last parameter of the final request URL.


Prepend the protocol (// OR http:// OR https://) and domain (we recommend // for protocol-agnostic URLs) to the resulting string.


Step 5: Add the JavaScript code

You’ll use the final request URL as the JavaScript src attribute on the page where the module should appear. For example:

<script src="//"></script>

Once you’ve created the request URL, you are ready to integrate it into your page code.

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