
Frequently asked questions


Why isn’t the attach module loading?

Here’s how to troubleshoot an attach module that’s not loading properly.

  1. Right-click on the webpage and select Inspect to launch the developer tools pane. On a Windows machine, you can also press F12 or use Ctrl+Shift+i; on a Mac, press Cmd+Option+i.
  2. On the developer tools pane, navigate to the Network tab.
  3. Reload the page by pressing F5 or clicking the refresh button in your browser. The Network tab will populate with all the network requests the page is making.
  4. Go to the Console tab in the developer tools pane to see if there are any JavaScript errors. Errors will appear in red, and you can click on them to see more details.
  5. On the Network tab, look for a request labeled xsell-pwa.js.
  6. Right-click on this request and select Copy > Copy URL or Copy > Copy as cURL to copy the request URL or the full cURL command.
  7. Paste the copied URL into a new browser tab or use the cURL command in a terminal to see if the request works outside of the current page context.
  8. If the the copied URL loads successfully, go back to the developer tools pane on your original tab and find the iframe request on the bottom of the page.
  9. Copy the iframeSrc URL and try it on a new tab.

If either element (xsell-pwa.js or iframeSrc) doesn’t load properly, reach out to your Expedia launch manager for assistance.

What’s the default length of stay?

If the returnStartDateTime parameter is not passed, the default length of stay is 7 days.

Can we load the attach module by itself?

To display successfully, the attach module requires new check-in and check-out dates in the request URL. The module will not load for request parameters for a past booking, and for a current, ongoing trip, the module would require future check-in and check-out dates to load successfully.

Is it safe to integrate with an iframe?

At Expedia, we do everything we can to make iframe integration secure.

  • We use back-end validation for iframe and xsell-pwa.js requests to add a significant layer of security and prevent malicious activities such as tampering with requests or injecting harmful content.
  • The Expedia security team will provide security clearance to ensure that the iframe integration has been reviewed for potential vulnerabilities, such as cross-site scripting (XSS), clickjacking, and other common security risks.
  • We have engineered our APIs so that a failure in the iframe or xsell-pwa.js request won’t affect your page loads. If the attach module fails to load or encounters an error, the rest of the page will continue to function normally. This isolation minimizes the risk of disrupting the user experience on your site.

Can an attach module include multiple LOBs?

Yes, attach modules can include up to three lines of business (LOBs).

  • The primary LOB handles pricing and will be the main focus within the module. It can be set to either gallery or mosaic view.
  • Secondary and tertiary LOBs will be deep links that direct travelers to specific search result pages for the required dates.

Why do you require a referrer URL?

A referrer—the URL of the page that initiated a request—is required for embedded attach modules to ensure security of sensitive information. It’s typically sent in the header when navigating from one page to another or when loading resources like images, scripts, or stylesheets.

The referrer policy we use, referrerpolicy="origin-when-cross-origin", strikes a balance between privacy and usability. It prevents the leak of sensitive URL information (such as query parameters) when making cross-origin requests, which reduces the risk of exposing user data to third-party sites. But it still provides the originating site’s information (without the full path) in cross-origin requests, which can be useful for analytics.

Can we customize the button colors?

Yes, both the button color and the button text color can be customized. You’ll select them, along with the rest of the template site’s color scheme, in your initial setup.

Can we customize the font?

Yes, the font can be customized. You’ll select the font for your template site in your initial site setup.

Is the attach module ADA compliant?

Yes. To comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the attach modules adhere to the standards and guidelines provided by Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Level AA of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

What tracking options are available?

Your Expedia account manager can provide you with performance information on your template site, including the attach modules. You can also take advantage of our analytics options to share site performance data to your organization’s Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics dashboard.

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