
Implementation checklist

When setting your attach module up, verify that the final request URL is correct.

String values

Exclude the domain

The request string should only contain the endpoint plus the request parameters.

Code example


Check the encoding

Remember that all parameter values should be percent-encoded UTF-8.

Check required parameters

All required parameters must be passed. In addition, be sure that:

Check the signature placement

The signature should always be the last parameter of the final request URL.


Use the correct format

The signature should be in Base64, not hexadecimal.

Use the correct data type

When converting to Base64 encoding, treat the signature as an integer, not a string.

Check the special characters

Although Base64 should do this automatically, check that you’re using the correct special characters:

  • Replace + with -: m6y13j0747-x/h81wEzR9jE1fco=
  • Replace / with _: m6y13j0747-x_h81wEzR9jE1fco=
  • Remove any = padding from the string: m6y13j0747-x_h81wEzR9jE1fco

Check the length

The signature should be exactly 27 characters long.

Check the secret key visibility

The secret key should not be publicly visible in the request URL. It should only be used on the server side to generate the signature.

Domain and endpoint

Make sure the script is protocol-agnostic

Include the script without an HTTP protocol (//xsell.expedia.com instead of http://xsell.expedia.com) so that it will automatically select the necessary one.

Check that the request URL is structured correctly

The final request URL should be combination of the domain plus the request string (a combination of the endpoint and the request parameters) plus the signature parameter.

  • Domain: //xsell.expedia.com
  • Endpoint: /xsell-pwa.js?
  • Request parameters: partnerId=partner123&outboundStartDateTime=2024-10-22T11%3A55%3A00%2B08%3A00&outboundEndDateTime=2024-10-22T13%3A55%3A00%2B08%3A00&returnStartDateTime=2024-10-30T20%3A30%3A00%2B08%3A00&returnEndDateTime=2024-10-30T22%3A30%3A00%2B08%3A00&destinationTla=LAX&numOfAdults=2&locale=en-US&currencyCode=USD&bookingDateTime=2024-04-12T12%3A32%3A15%2B08%3A00&bookingId=123ABC&bookingStatus=confirmed
  • Signature parameter (must be the final element): &signature=bj01fgT85mUiRmzxxSufSmlGpiI

Code example //xsell.expedia.com/xsell-pwa.js?partnerId=partner123&outboundStartDateTime=2024-10-22T11%3A55%3A00%2B08%3A00&outboundEndDateTime=2024-10-22T13%3A55%3A00%2B08%3A00&returnStartDateTime=2024-10-30T20%3A30%3A00%2B08%3A00&returnEndDateTime=2024-10-30T22%3A30%3A00%2B08%3A00&destinationTla=LAX&numOfAdults=2&locale=en-US&currencyCode=USD&bookingDateTime=2024-04-12T12%3A32%3A15%2B08%3A00&bookingId=123ABC&bookingStatus=confirmed&signature=bj01fgT85mUiRmzxxSufSmlGpiI

Script integration

Check the script

The script should be included inside the <body>. If you’re using an embedded module, check that the required <div> element is present.

Verify the referrer policy

For an embedded attach module, the parent page referrer policy should be set as origin-when-cross-origin.
