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Updating to the rebranded Java SDK

What you need to know about this rebranding effort and how to put it in place

We've rebranded the Java SDK for the Expedia Group Fraud Prevention Service, which will impact any applications using it. There are no changes to the Python or Node.js SDKs. The SDK name, namespace, and exceptions IDs have been changed. To use this updated SDK, you'll need to:

  • Use the SDK name in project dependencies
  • Import the models from the new namespaces
  • Update the exception handlers with the new exception classes
  • Adjust the log messages prefix

SDK name

Before rebranding:

Rebranded SDK:


Before rebrandingRebranded SDK
import com.expediagroup.openworld.sdk.fraudpreventionv2.client.FraudPreventionV2Clientimport com.expediagroup.sdk.fraudpreventionv2.client.FraudPreventionV2Client
import com.expediagroup.openworld.sdk.fraudpreventionv2.models.*import com.expediagroup.sdk.fraudpreventionv2.models.*

Exception handlers

Before rebrandingRebranded SDK

Logging message prefix

Before rebrandingRebranded SDK
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