Getting started with Analytics API

Getting started with Analytics API is simple. Just get an API key and a shared secret and begin testing.

1. Become a partner

You will need to become a White Label Template partner in order to integrate with the Analytics API. If you haven’t done so yet, simply visit our sister site Expedia Partner Solutions and apply today

2. Get credentials and configure for Oauth token authentication

Once you have become a partner and been approved to use the Analytics API, you will need to obtain your API key. You can do this by logging into the EPS Portal and navigating to the Connectivity section in the menu bar on the left. Select API Key from the options: you will be presented with your current API key details.

The API key is one of two key credentials required for Analytics API's Oauth Authentication system. You will also need your shared secret, which you is also available under the Connectivity section in the EPS Portal, under the API Key option.

Irrespective of test or production environments, making a request to our API service is a two-step process:

2.1 Request an access token

This utilises the HTTP Basic Authentication mechanism, you will need to supply a Authorisation header which contains a base64 encoded string of your {api-key}:{shared-secret}.

Authorization: Basic {base64string}

This call will need to be made to the token endpoint documented in the OpenAPI spec.

      type: oauth2

This will return a Bearer token which you will need to use in the next step.

2.2 Make a request to the API using the token

We utilise the Bearer token authentication mechanism for the data endpoints i.e transactions or last_update. You will need to supply a Authorization header which contains the token you received in the previous step.

Authorization: Bearer {token}

3. Begin testing your requests

Once you have received your credentials and have configured for Oauth authentication, you can start making requests against our testing endpoint, Any data returned via this endpoint is dummy data useful in understanding the structure of the data.

IMPORTANT: To ensure a stable and maintainable service is delivered for all partners, rate limits are applied. The system monitors anomalous API traffic and will take action to protect itself automatically. Before making any planned changes to the behaviour of calling the API, or conducting performance tests with API access, make sure to review your plans with your Analytics API consultant.

Specifying your API version

Use the servers.url value in the OpenAPI spec to construct the URL. is for validation of your integration, and is the production endpoint. Preserve the protocol and path when switching between endpoints.

The servers.url value is found at the top of our downloadable OpenAPI spec files and will always correspond with the version number for the given API service.

Example: OpenAPI spec

openapi: 3.0.1
  title: Analytics API
  description: Analytics API V1
  version: v1

  - name: Analytics
    description: Template Analytics API

  - url:
  - url:
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