Versioning Schedule

Learn more about our evolving schema and versioning strategy for the Bookings Insight API.

Evolving Schema

In the fast-paced world of technology, staying ahead is crucial. That's why our Analytics API is designed to keep pace with your needs. With our evolving schema, you receive new features the moment they're developed. Say goodbye to long waits for new releases or cumbersome upgrade processes.

Our latest features are designed to be seamlessly integrated, ensuring your continued use of the current version without disruptions. This approach saves you both time and money. We'll keep you informed about upcoming features, allowing you to plan effectively.

Versioning Strategy

For significant updates or changes that may impact existing integrations, we introduce new versions, such as the Analytics API v2.

Our API team manages one active version while developing the next. Upon launching a new version, it becomes the active version, and the preceding version enters a deprecation phase. Deprecated versions remain available for one year, providing ample time for transition. During this period, only critical security updates are made to the deprecated version.


Understanding our versioning schedule is easier with these definitions:

Active: The current version of the Analytics API, where non-breaking changes and features are added. You have the flexibility to integrate these features as you choose.

Development: The upcoming version of the API under development.

Deprecation: A version marked for deprecation indicates it will be phased out after one year. This period is ideal for upgrading to the latest active version.

Retired: A retired version is no longer accessible through the API.

Non-Breaking Changes: These are updates that can be integrated without affecting your existing setup. They include additions like new endpoints, optional query parameters, and response fields, among others.

Non-breaking changes include:

  • New endpoints added.
  • New optional query parameters added.
  • New optional request fields added to request bodies.
  • New optional headers added to the request.
  • Mandatory request parameters become optional.
  • New fields added to a response.
  • New headers added to the response.
  • New values added to a request enum.
  • New values added to a response enum with a default.

Breaking Changes: Significant updates that may require changes to your integration. These include removal of endpoints, introduction of new required parameters, and changes to authentication configurations, among others. Breaking changes are only introduced in new active versions of the API.

Breaking changes include:

  • Existing endpoints removed.
  • New required query parameters added.
  • New required request fields added to request bodies.
  • New required headers added to the request.
  • Optional request parameters becoming required.
  • Removing or renaming query parameters.
  • Removing or renaming response fields.
  • Changing the type of query parameters.
  • Changing the type of request fields in a request body.
  • Adding new validation requirements to existing parameters.
  • Removing or eliminating Authentication or Authorization configurations.
  • Removing or renaming enum values.
  • New values added to a response enum with no default.
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