Creates a unit (room type), including all of its features, and associates it with a property.
Note: Bed groups (bedGroups) is defined at the unit level. However, if unit spaces are defined for the unit, bedGroups is ignored.
Best practices when creating units
Naming units
Because Expedia Group has points of sale in more than 45 languages and wants to offer the best experience to travelers around the world, names must be received in a structured way to enable instant availability in all languages. Therefore, the API builds a unit's name from structured attributes. There are up to nine different attributes that can be used to build a name, which are specified by the CreateUnitNameAttributesInput input object. However, because Expedia Group also has a constraint on room name length, not all attributes can be used all at once.
A custom label can also be specified and used alongside or instead of the unit attributes to construct the unit name (using customLabel on the CreateUnitNameAttributesInput input object). When custom labels are used, the text will appear in parenthesis and appended to the unit name. Note, though, that custom label text is not translated into all languages.
If using unit attributes to construct a unit name, we recommend that you provide all attributes that are deemed important or informational about the unit. Expedia Group will then use the ones deemed most relevant if too many attributes are received. Refer to the CreateUnitNameAttributesInput type below for details.
Specifying age categories and occupancy
Age categories are used to confirm if a unit supports adults and children and to define additional guest amounts per age category. (Extra person fees are always defined at the rate plan level.) Occupancy settings define a unit's maximum occupancy by number of adults, children, and total. Unlike age categories, there's no granularity in the configuration for children. If a unit accepts children but you want to define a maximum number of children, age categories (UnitAgeCategoryInput input object) must include at least one child category or an infant category.
Note: At properties with occupancy-based pricing, children can be charged as either regular occupants or as "Always Extra." In this case, even when children are within the maximum occupancy, pricing for each child occupant is based on the guestFeePerGuest feeset category for each child age group.
Be aware that the maximum number of child age categories supported by the property is set at the property level and cannot be overridden by this API. Use the property query to retrieve which age categories are allowed. If this limit needs to be increased, please contact Expedia Group.
As a best practice, only define the guest age categories supported, and do not define an infant age category definitions if the unit does not support infants. Due to the way occupancy is calculated, there is only one count for any non-adult age category: the children count. It is not possible to send a count of 0 infants. In addition, you cannot define a unit that allows infants but other children are not accepted.
Maximum age cannot explicitly be defined for an age category. The maximum age of a given category is equivalent to the (minimum age-1) of the next defined category.
Finally, if a property has occupancy-based pricing and the child pricing logic is set to consider children always as extra occupants, the unit must be mapped to include at least one child category. Then, the rate plan must be mapped with no additional charge for the children.
Field value used for these field types: enum, string, trilean, int,
and decimal. When the amenity type is trilean and the value is set to
true, the amenity is included on the PDP. When set to false, the amenity
definition is stored but disabled it on the PDP, similar to how amenities are
disabled using AmenityValueInput : available.
Field value used for these field types: enum, string, trilean, int,
and decimal. Note that if this is set to trilean, the value must be set to
true to include the amenity on the PDP. If value is set to false, the
amenity definition is stored but disabled it on the PDP, similar to how
amenities are disabled using AmenityValueInput : available.
Amenity field value. Note that if the amenity value type is trilean, the
value must be set to true to include the amenity on the PDP. If value is set
to false, the amenity definition is stored but disabled it on the property,
similar to how amenities are disabled using AmenityValueInput : available.
Bed types offered in the room. Vacation rentals are limited to a single bed
group with multiple bed types. Conventional lodging may have two bed groups to
represent alternatives. For example, a hotel might have a room type with 1 king
bed or 2 full beds.
Bed types offered in the room. Vacation rentals are limited to a single bed
group with multiple bed types. Conventional lodging may have two bed groups to
represent alternatives. For example, a hotel might have a room type with 1 king
bed or 2 full beds. To remove a bed group from a space, send null (empty array)
for bed groups, though at least one bed group must be defined for a unit. Note the following:
When bedding is not provided when a unit is created, one twin bed is defined for the unit (default).
When a space is created for a unit, bedding on the unit level is removed and
will only be present within the space. Once a unit has a space defined, bedding
can only be managed within the space (using updateUnitSpaces or
Compliance status for mandatory requirements only (at the unit level) according
to the local jurisdiction's regulatory requirements. If invalid information is
provided for an optional regulatory requirement, or if regulatory information is
set in a jurisdiction that does not require regulatory information, status:
COMPLIANT is returned. For optional requirements, a warning is returned in the
warningStatus field of the updateUnitRegistration mutation's payload.
Not nullable.
Reason why the unit is in or out of compliance. The label used for the
registration number in this string comes from the numberTypeLabel field on
the RegistrationNumberRequirement type.
Partner's transaction ID that uniquely identifies the request, which can be
used to associate requests and responses for troubleshooting purposes. This ID
must be unique across requests and cannot be reused. However, if a request
needs to be retried, such as because it failed or timed out, the ID provided
in the original request should be used. The ID can be in any format as long as
it uniquely identifies the request.
Maximum occupancy of the unit in total and by age category. If not specified,
occupancy is based on the defined bed group(s). When neither occupancy nor bed
group(s) are defined, one twin bed and occupancy of 1 are the defaults.
Collection of attributes related to the name of a unit.
-unitClass, unitType, and customLabel are always used, if provided.
Total character length for a unit name is 100 characters. If the length
exceeds 100 characters, some attributes might be omitted from unit name.
Only one of includeBedType and bedroomDetails can be specified. If both are provided, only includeBedType is used.
Only two of these attributes can be stored at a time (listed here in ranking
order): accessibility, includeSmokingPolicy, featuredAmenity, view, and location.
Use the metadata query for the list of supported values for each field.
Whether to include bed type on the unit name. Not all bed combinations are
fully displayed in the room name. Some combinations are displayed as “multiple
beds” in the unit name.
Maximum occupancy of the unit in total and by age category. If not specified,
occupancy is based on the defined bed group(s). When neither occupancy nor bed
group(s) are defined, one twin bed and occupancy of 1 are the defaults.
Not nullable.
Maximum number of adults that can reside in the unit; must be at least 1 and less than or equal to the total.
Partner's transaction ID that identifies the request, which can be used to
correlate with partner's transaction logs. This ID must be unique across
requests and cannot be reused.
The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.
Locale code used to localize the text, which conforms to the BCP-47 (RFC 5646)
standard, such as fr-FR. Use the metadata query to retrieve the list of
supported locales.
Checks the consistency of the information in our systems at the property level
to determine whether the registration information is sufficient to fulfill the
requirements of the property's district. We do not recommend including this
field in the query because it does not provide the true value for some properties.
If false is returned for a unit, you can use the Product API to identify
active units, though false may be returned for inactive units that have
incorrect regulatory information.
Compliance status for mandatory requirements only (at the unit level)
according to the local jurisdiction's regulatory requirements. If invalid
information is provided for an optional regulatory requirement, or if
regulatory information is set in a jurisdiction that does not require
regulatory information, status: COMPLIANT is returned. For optional
requirements, a warning is returned in the warningStatus field of the
updateUnitRegistration mutation's payload.
Note: We strongly recommend that you include this field in your
implementation even though it is nullable. This field provides an audit trail
for reporting purposes.
Category values for regulatory categories. Most of jurisdiction districts only
allow for two categories, HOTEL and VACATION_RENTAL, though more values
GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED are provided to satisfy local government requirements.
Values for regulatory status.
Unit meets all regulatory requirements.
Unit meets requirements to remain listed but will need to provide
additional information (or other action) in order to not be delisted.
Unit does not meet all regulatory requirements and cannot be shown.
Unit is not compliant, but enforcement hasn't started yet. Action should be
taken for the listing to be compliant after enforcement date.
Platform does not allow units in this jurisdiction; no actions from partner can affect status.
Unit's status cannot be determined.
The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.
Extra amount to charge for an extra bed.
Amount of the surcharge. Must be defined if type is not 'Free'.
Amenities available in the unit. You can filter by amenity name or whether
it's available (active) by specifying the filters argument (type:
Registration information for the unit or room type. You can specify the
locale argument to retrieve the results in a specific language; specify the
four-letter ISO code for language. Use a four-character code that indicates
language and region, such as fr_FR for French in France.
Attributes that determine if unit has accessibility.
Type of accessibility to be included in the name as specified; this will
override includeAccessibility if present. Valid values include
Whether to include bed type on the unit name. Not all bed combinations are
fully displayed in the room name. Some combinations are displayed as “multiple
beds” in the unit name.
Whether to include unit smoking preferences in the unit name. When
smokingPolicy is set to SMOKING_AND_NON_SMOKING and includeSmokingPolicy
is set to true, the room name will specify SMOKING only.