Product management
Getting startedProduct management

Best practices

When implementing the product management capability, be aware of the following best practices.


  • Use Expedia Group IDs for units, rate plans, cancellation policies, and fee sets and rate plan IDs to identify the resources to be updated. Ensure that the correct Expedia Group IDs are accurately mapped in your implementation of the product management capability to make sure the right units, rate plans, cancellation policies, and fee sets are updated when the API sends updates.
  • Use caution when sequencing messages to Expedia Group. Sending an older message after a newer message can overwrite current information with outdated data.
  • Ensure monitoring is in place in the capability's implementation to validate the success rate of updates, including visibility into error details/messaging.
  • Ensure error reports are reviewed and actioned by the appropriate team.


  • Send create or update messages with the partner code in the URL.
  • Create duplicates (units or rates with the codes that are already in use).
  • Convert the pricing model of the active rates.
  • Map the same value add inclusion on the unit and/or rate plan level.
  • Attempt to modify property level amenities with this capability.
  • When performing updates, do not send concurrent messages for the same entity (unit or rate plan). For example, do not send messages within milliseconds of the previous update.
  • Ignore errors. These may signal connection issues or problems with your request.

Monitor errors

Ensure that monitoring is in place for the API implementation to capture detailed information on any errors that may occur. You may want to create alarms to notify you when the rate of errors returned by Expedia Group exceeds an acceptable threshold. Review errors frequently to ensure that units and rate plans are correct and that all updates are processed accurately. Failure to do so may result in Expedia Group travelers booking incorrect units or rate plans.

Code to the correct pricing model

When developing for product management capability, make sure you develop the correct pricing models for your customers. Currently, Expedia offers several different pricing models: occupancy-based pricing (OBP), per-day pricing (PDP), day-of-arrival pricing (DOA), and per-day length-of-stay pricing (LOS). For details, see Pricing models.

Retrieve property details

The property query allows for the retrieval of several important settings related to a property's configuration in our system. Some of these settings will help you better understand how to manage unit and rate plan resources. It also enables you to determine the properties that are assigned to your accounts. Refer to the property query reference for a detailed example.

Maintain unit and rate plan mappings

Mapping between a properties’ unit and rate codes and Expedia Group’s equivalent unit and rate plan IDs must be developed and maintained. This mapping is critical for sending updates because the Expedia ID must be specified in the requests. For example, in the property’s system, unit code STD maps to a rate plan code BPK. This product is mapped on Expedia Group as unit ID 123 and unique rate plan 1093294 in Expedia Group’s system. The link between unit STD/123 and rate plan BPK/1093294 should be preserved in your system.

Whenever properties change unit or rate codes or request new products be created, the mapping of the property’s codes must be updated in its system with Expedia Group’s equivalent new or existing IDs to maintain successful communication of availability updates and booking notifications between you and Expedia Group.

The Expedia Group unit and rate plan IDs are alphanumeric, and the relationship between unit and rate plan is a one to many hierarchy.

Note: Expedia IDs are also used to identify the unit and rate plan of a booking in any emailed notifications sent to the property.

Collect unit occupancy taxes

Properties in certain jurisdictions are required to apply an occupancy tax based on the legal number of rooms in a unit. To provide this information, use the compliance capability so that Expedia Group can apply the correct tax amount.