Getting startedCompliance

Intro to compliance

The Lodging Supply GraphQL API provides visibility into regulatory information for jurisdictions where properties will be listed. The goal of the compliance capability is to manage EG regulatory information within software, provide real-time EG regulatory requirements, assist in validating status, and increase operational efficiency. After you have integrated this API, lodging partners can

  • Query for regulatory requirements for a given property or jurisdiction
  • Add or update regulatory data on the property to meet mandatory requirements
  • Retrieve status and details about a property's registration
  • Validate registration status against EG requirements

Importantly, you can use the capability's queries to review regulatory information that can be defined for a property, such as its entity type and location. Based on that, you can set regulatory data on the property to meet mandatory requirements, such as those defined in Europe (the DAC7 directive), France, San Diego, London, Tasmania, and Australia. See Fulfilling DAC7 requirements (below) for an example.

Note: You can download the launch kit here.

After you have integrated this capability, please share your feedback here. Your feedback is valuable to us and will be shared directly with the Product teams responsible for delivering new API features and functionality.

The compliance capability is part of the Lodging Supply GraphQL API, which enables connectivity providers to retrieve and manage property and reservation information. All response bodies, including errors, are encoded in JSON. All requests and responses must be made over a secure connection.

If you are unfamiliar with GraphQL concepts, such as queries and mutations, read this overview to learn more.

Important: Partners must not put Expedia in breach of any privacy or data protection laws. Therefore, to maintain the highest standards of data protection and privacy compliance (such as upholding data minimization, ensuring an appropriate lawful basis is relied upon and robust security measures are in place), we require that partners DO NOT use real personal data under any circumstances during the testing and certification process. Instead, we require partners to use dummy data, fictitious information, or data specifically designated for testing and certification purposes so that no personal data is accessed, shared, and/or reused between partners unnecessarily and unlawfully.


Be aware of these as you integrate the compliance capability:

  • This capability is not supported for properties in Japan. In general, the capability is only supported for properties in jurisdictions that are supported by our underlying regulatory service.
  • The capability is not tied to the go-live workflow, which means that non-compliant properties are not automatically delisted at this time.
  • Registration information is updated at the room-type level. Updating registration information at the property level is not supported.

Best practices

The compliance capability is fairly complicated and you need to be particularly mindful of several fields in the queries and mutation. Therefore, we are providing these best practices:

  • To determine the registration requirements to set using the updateUnitRegistration mutation, you must

    1. Examine the requirements object returned by the districtByCoordinates or district query.
    2. For each regulatory category in requirements, review the value of registrationNumberRequirements : isOptional.
    3. When isOptional is set to false, you must set registration numbers for those registration number types.
  • When implementing the updateUnitRegistration mutation, we strongly recommend that you include warningStatus in your implementation to capture warnings if they are generated. Note that warnings are different than errors; errors are described in Error handling.

  • The updateUnitRegistration mutation includes the forceSave input argument, which forces the API to save the registration information for mandatory registration requirements even if the information is not valid.

    • If optional registration requirements need to be updated for a unit and forceSave is set to false, you must include the mandatory requirements in the request (even if there is no update to their values). If they are not specified, the mutation will fail and the optional requirements will not be not updated.
    • If forceSave is set to false and a value of a mandatory registration field is not valid, the value is not saved. If set to true, the value is saved. In both cases, warningStatus field will describe the issue in the response payload.
    • If a specified registration field is optional, the information is saved no matter how forceSave is set and the warning will indicate that the update was successful.
  • If mandatory requirements are not specified when calling the updateUnitRegistration mutation, this warning is returned: "warningStatus": { "description": "Update Unsuccessful. Invalid registration details provided. Please provide valid details to ensure compliance.

  • When implementing your UI, we strongly recommend that you visually distinguish mandatory fields to reduce unsuccessful updates. This is especially true when forceSave is set to false. Updates to registration information will fail unless mandatory fields are completed.

  • The registration query and updateUnitRegistration mutation’s response payload provides a couple fields that may be confusing:

  • The compliant object returns the compliance status for mandatory requirements only (at the unit level). If invalid information is provided for an optional regulatory requirement, or if regulatory information is set in a jurisdiction that does not require regulatory information, status: COMPLIANT is returned. For optional requirements, a warning is returned in the warningStatus field of the mutation's payload.

  • The complete field indicates whether a valid registration record was successfully written by the mutation. This field does not report whether the record fulfills the requirements of the property's district. Also, it reports information at the property level, though the property may contain deleted or inactive units and may provide inaccurate information for some properties. We do not recommend including this field.

Minimum certification requirements

Partners who want to adopt the compliance capability are required to successfully complete end-to-end certification with Expedia Group teams. Specifically, the partner be able to

  • Read regulatory requirements by property ID or by jurisdiction.

  • Read compliance status for each active unit of a property. Note that the query to retrieve a property's registration information at the unit (room type) level will return information for all units, active and inactive. Use the Product API for to identify the correct active unit ID before updating registration information.

  • Add or update each active unit in a jurisdiction with mandatory requirements. Ensure the following is in place:

    • Correct registration information
    • All mandatory regulatory information; for example, some jurisdictions have additional regulatory information (regulatorySubType or more than one registrationNumberRequirements)
  • Include warningStatus in your implementation to ensure that warnings are captured.

  • Implement a synchronization process for properties with mandatory regulatory requirements to capture non-compliant active units and add or update registration on regular basis. Refer to Updating registration information for details.

Retrieving regulatory requirements

You can query for regulatory requirements in two ways:

  • By property ID
  • By jurisdiction

By property ID

The district query retrieves regulatory requirements at the property level for the specified property's jurisdiction. In this request example, the locale argument on district retrieves the results in US English (en_US).

Be aware that compliance requirements differ by country. For example, in France, it is mandatory for a unit to be assigned regulatorySubType, which is not applicable to Spanish properties (regulatorySubType is null). And the regulatoryCategory value varies across countries and depends on the registrationNumberRequirements.

Here is an explanation of the response:

  • Registration is required ("registrationRequired": true) for residences and hotels (legalPropertyTypes object).
  • 16 registration requirements are listed for both types of properties (under each registrationNumberRequirements array).
  • To understand how to interpret the information for each requirement, consider these examples:
    • For registration number ("numberType": "REGISTRATION_NUMBER”):
      • This is also referred to as VAT or tax ID ("localName": "VAT or Tax ID”), and it is mandatory ("isOptional": false).
      • Three examples are given for the registration number format ("format": "123456789, HR1234567890123, 123456789ABCDEFGHI") and the regular expression that describes this format is provided ("regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9]{8,18}$").
      • No expiration date is required ("isExpirationDateRequired": false).
      • Pending registrations are not allowed ("allowPendingRegistrations": false).
    • For entity type ("numberType": "ENTITY_TYPE”):
      • This is optional ("isOptional": true).
      • In Expedia Partner Central (EPC), this is set by the "Are you a business or an individual?" question, and the acceptable values include "Individual" and "Business".
      • No expiration date is required ("isExpirationDateRequired": false).
      • Pending registrations are not allowed ("allowPendingRegistrations": false).
    • For property address ("numberType": "LEGAL_ADDRESS”):
      • This is not required as part of its regulatory information ("isOptional": true).
      • In EPC, the address is set by the "What is your legal business address or legal registered address?" question.
      • The submitted values are validated by this regular expression: ^.{1,240}$.
      • No expiration date is required ("isExpirationDateRequired": false).
      • Pending registrations are not allowed ("allowPendingRegistrations": false).
1query {
2 property(id: "53185459", idSource: EXPEDIA) {
3 geoLocation {
4 latitude
5 longitude
6 }
7 district(locale: "en_US") {
8 id
9 description
10 nativeLocale
11 localizedName
12 referenceUrls
13 registrationRequired
14 legalPropertyTypes {
15 type
16 subtype
17 }
18 requirements {
19 regulatoryCategory
20 regulatoryCategoryLabel
21 qualifiedPropertyTypes {
22 type
23 subtype
24 }
25 registrationNumberRequirements {
26 numberType
27 numberTypeLabel
28 localName
29 format
30 regex
31 isOptional
32 isExpirationDateRequired
33 allowPendingRegistrations
34 url
35 thirdPartyValidation {
36 required
37 attributes
38 }
39 }
40 additionalDataRequirements {
41 key
42 keyLocalized
43 type
44 typeLocalized
45 subtype
46 subtypeLocalized
47 group
48 groupLocalized
49 isOptional
50 }
51 minStayNights
52 maxNightCap {
53 annualLimit
54 isEnforced
55 }
56 exemptions {
57 category
58 description
59 }
60 isVacationRental
61 }
62 }
63 }

By jurisdiction

Issue the districtByCoordinates query to retrieve a jurisdiction's regulations. This is useful if a lodging partner wants to review requirements before listing properties in a jurisdiction.

These examples retrieve all regulatory information for the specified jurisdiction, such as allowed property types, registration numbers, and minimum and maximum length-of-stay requirements. The responses show requirements for hotels and vacation rentals.

1query {
2 districtByCoordinates(
3 latitude: 20.798362
4 longitude: -156.331926
5 locale: "en_US"
6 ) {
7 id
8 description
9 nativeLocale
10 localizedName
11 referenceUrls
12 registrationRequired
13 legalPropertyTypes {
14 type
15 subtype
16 }
17 requirements {
18 regulatoryCategory
19 regulatoryCategoryLabel
20 qualifiedPropertyTypes {
21 type
22 subtype
23 }
24 registrationNumberRequirements {
25 numberType
26 numberTypeLabel
27 localName
28 format
29 regex
30 isOptional
31 isExpirationDateRequired
32 allowPendingRegistrations
33 url
34 thirdPartyValidation {
35 required
36 attributes
37 }
38 }
39 additionalDataRequirements {
40 key
41 keyLocalized
42 type
43 typeLocalized
44 subtype
45 subtypeLocalized
46 group
47 groupLocalized
48 isOptional
49 }
50 minStayNights
51 maxNightCap {
52 annualLimit
53 isEnforced
54 }
55 exemptions {
56 category
57 description
58 }
59 isVacationRental
60 }
61 }

Retrieving a property's registration information and compliance status

Use the registration query to retrieve a property's registration information at the unit (room type) level. This is useful in confirming a unit's information and determining its jurisdiction's requirements. The API returns the registration information in our system for all active and inactive units (room types) on the property.

The following example retrieves registration information for the Croatian property used in the district query above. The response shows

  • Unit is compliant ("status": "COMPLIANT") because a registration number is provided in a valid format (as described in the reason field)
  • Two registration records are set on the unit: REGISTRATION_NUMBER and ENTITY_TYPE

Note that the complete field is not included in the query because it reports information at a property level and does not provide the true value for some properties.

1query {
2 property(id: "53185459", idSource: EXPEDIA) {
3 id
4 name
5 units {
6 ids {
7 id
8 idSource
9 }
10 registration {
11 district
12 detail {
13 compliant {
14 status
15 reason
16 }
17 regulatoryCategory
18 numberOfPhysicalRooms
19 registrationRecords {
20 registrationNumber
21 registrationNumberType
22 registrationNumberTypeLabel
23 expiry
24 }
25 }
26 }
27 }
28 }

Updating registration information

Use the updateUnitRegistration mutation to update registration information at the room type (unit) level.

  • If an empty or invalid registration number is specified in the mutation, warnings are generated. We strongly recommend that you include warningStatus in your implementation to ensure that you capture warnings if they are generated. warningStatus is a field on the UnitRegistrationDetail object.
  • If the specified room type ID does not belong to the specified property, an error is generated.

To determine the registration requirements to set using the updateUnitRegistration mutation, you must

  1. Examine the requirements object in the districtByCoordinates or district query’s response.
  2. For each regulatory category, review the value of registrationNumberRequirements : isOptional.
  3. When isOptional is set to false, you must set registration numbers for those registration number types.

To continue with the example above, the following mutation sets all of the regulatory information required by the DAC7 mandate:

1mutation {
2 updateUnitRegistration(
3 propertyId: "53185459"
4 propertyIdSource: EXPEDIA
5 forceSave: false
6 registration: {
7 details: [
8 {
9 unitId: "324183846"
10 regulatoryType: "residence"
11 regulatorySubType: ""
12 regulatoryCategory: VACATION_RENTAL
13 numberOfPhysicalRooms: 1
14 registrationRecords: [
15 {
16 registrationNumber: "123456789"
17 registrationNumberType: REGISTRATION_NUMBER
18 },
19 {
20 registrationNumber: "Individual"
21 registrationNumberType: ENTITY_TYPE
22 },
23 {
24 registrationNumber: "Yes"
25 registrationNumberType: IS_ADDRESS_IN_EU
26 },
27 {
28 registrationNumber: "No"
29 registrationNumberType: IS_RESIDENCE_IN_EU
30 },
31 {
32 registrationNumber: "Test street 11, Dubrovnik, Croatia, postcode 2345"
33 registrationNumberType: LEGAL_ADDRESS
34 },
35 {
36 registrationNumber: "AB:Product123"
37 registrationNumberType: ISSUED_TAX_ID
38 }
39 {
40 registrationNumber: "BB 1234567 098765 registration"
41 registrationNumberType: LAND_REGISTRATION_NUMBER
42 },
43 {
44 registrationNumber: "1992-01-22"
45 registrationNumberType: BIRTH_DATE
46 },
47 {
48 registrationNumber: "Yes"
49 registrationNumberType: IS_VAT_REGISTERED
50 },
51 {
52 registrationNumber: "ExampleVAT123"
53 registrationNumberType: VAT_ID
54 }
55 ]
56 }
57 ]
58 }
59 ) {
60 complete
61 details {
62 compliant {
63 status
64 reason
65 }
66 warningStatus {
67 description
68 code
69 }
70 unitId
71 regulatoryCategory
72 regulatoryType
73 regulatorySubType
74 regulatoryCategoryLabel
75 registrationRecords {
76 registrationNumber
77 registrationNumberType
78 registrationNumberTypeLabel
79 }
80 }
81 }

Here are additional examples:

1mutation {
2 updateUnitRegistration(
3 propertyId: "9309956",
4 propertyIdSource: EXPEDIA,
5 forceSave: false,
6 registration: {
7 details: [
8 {
9 unitId: "200299052",
10 regulatoryType: "hotel",
11 regulatoryCategory: HOTEL,
12 registrationRecords: [
13 {
14 registrationNumber: "HSR12-34567"
15 }
16 ]
17 }
18 ]
19 }
20 ) {
21 complete
22 details {
23 unitId
24 compliant {
25 status
26 reason
27 }
28 registrationRecords {
29 registrationNumber
30 }
31 warningStatus {
32 description
33 code
34 }
35 }
36 }

Retrieving compliance and property status information

If you have implemented the property status capability, you can retrieve property status and compliance information using one query. The following query retrieves this information:

  • Vrbo listing URL
  • Expedia distributed URL
  • Whether the property is live on Expedia (BEXPropertyIsEnabledPredicate checkpoint has "fulfilled": true)
  • Whether the property is compliant with local regulations: (registration : detail : compliant : status)
  • If not compliant, a link to local regulatory laws (district : referenceUrls)
1query {
2 property(id: "34479786", idSource: EXPEDIA) {
3 name
4 coordinates {
5 latitude
6 longitude
7 }
8 district(locale: "fr_FR") {
9 id
10 referenceUrls
11 }
12 listings(domains: [""]) {
13 url
14 }
15 activeStatus {
16 active
17 statusCheckpoint {
18 name
19 lastEvaluated
20 resolutionStatus
21 checkpoints {
22 name
23 path
24 lastEvaluated
25 resolutionStatus
26 fulfilled
27 }
28 }
29 }
30 }

Fulfilling DAC7 requirements

The Directive on Administrative Co-operation (DAC7) is a European regulatory mandate that enforces annual reporting obligations for digital online platforms, crypto-assets and e-money (full details here). The directive requires digital platform operators in the EU (including all Expedia Group sites) to collect and report personal and business income information realized by sellers using their platforms for certain commercial services. The goal is to ensure all taxes — income tax as well as value-added tax (VAT) — are reported and assessed.

The compliance capability provides the district and districtByCoordinates queries to retrieve regulatory information that can be set for a property as defined by its jurisdiction. This might include a property's entity type, location, and various registration numbers. You should implement your UI so that the lodging partner can provide data for each of the regulatory requirements reported by the query.

As an example, the district query above shows that the following regulatory information can be set for vacation rentals and hotels located in Croatia:

  • VAT_ID

The data that must be set for a property to meet the DAC7 mandate will depend on values provided for each regulatory requirement listed here.

If these values are provided for a property:Set this regulatory information:




  • VAT_ID

ENTITY_TYPE: Individual


ENTITY_TYPE: Individual

  • VAT_ID

Use the updateUnitRegistration mutation to set regulatory data on the property. To continue with our example, the mutation above sets all of the regulatory requirements for a vacation rental in Croatia.