Fraud Prevention Service
Protect your business. Save money. Earn your travelers’ trust.
Why use the Fraud Prevention Service?
With the Fraud Prevention Service from Expedia Group, you can block fraudulent transactions before they happen, without impacting your traveler experience, and take advantage of our 100% chargeback guarantee.

Real-time fraud prevention
We know that our Fraud Prevention Service works, because we use it ourselves. Our service specializes in travel fraud, which gives us an advantage over generic fraud solutions. We quickly and accurately detect fraudulent activity in your business transactions using our state-of-the-art machine learning models.
Chargeback management
Reduce the number of chargebacks, secure your revenue, and minimize losses.
We see close to half the chargebacks compared to a generic fraud solution and we perform well below the rate threshold for chargebacks per transaction.
With our true fraud chargeback guarantee, you can focus on your business and let us worry about fraud. Additionally, our nonfraud chargeback management recovers losses at a higher rate than most of the industry, ensuring you get the revenue you deserve.

Account Takeover Prevention
Preventing fraudsters from accessing your customers’ account is the first line of defense against fraud.
Our Account Takeover Prevention service ensures that your customers’ account access is secure and unauthorized access is prevented. We help you build trust by providing a frictionless experience for your customers while stopping fraudsters.
We’re partners for the long haul
We know your business is always evolving, which is why we are too. The Expedia Group team of travel industry and technical experts are here to support you at every stage of your growth — from making sure your initial integration goes smoothly, to helping you achieve your business goals.