
Revision history

The following updates have been made to the Lodging Supply GraphQL API schema, from newest to oldest updates:

October 2022

Updated endpoints:

  • Token service, from to
  • API endpoint, from to

Schema changes:

  • Property : geoLocation is deprecated and replaced with coordinates
  • Address : city is deprecated and replaced with locality
  • Address : country is deprecated and replaced with countryCode
  • Address : line1, line2, line3 are deprecated and replaced with addressLines
  • Address : province is deprecated and replaced with administrativeArea
  • sublocality field added to the Address object
April 2022

Support for "evergreen" promotions was added, to enable partners to create promotions with no end date. To do this, specify these restrictions: "bookingLocalDateTimeTo": "2079-06-06T23:59:00" and "travelDateTo": "2079-06-06"

August 2021

Added isContractedPromotion to the Promotion interface and DiscountPromotion type to enable partners to determine whether a promotion was negotiated. Negotiated promotions can be queried but not changed.

July 2021

Added sellStatus to the Promotion interface and DiscountPromotion type to enable partners to query for a promotion's sell status (whether the promotion is currently bookable based on the its reservation date/time range.)

March 2021

The Date type was renamed LocalDate, and the DateTime type is now LocalDateTime. This affects the promotions capability. Here is a summary of the schema changes:

  • BlackoutDateRange object: travelDateFrom and travelDateTo now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
  • BlackoutDateRangeInput input object: travelDateFrom and travelDateTo now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
  • BookingLocalDateTimeInput object: from and to now use the LocalDateTime type (from DateTime)
  • CheckoutDateFilter input object: from and to now use the LocalDate type (from String)
  • Reservation object: checkInDate and checkOutDate now use the LocalDate type (from String)
  • Restrictions object:
    • bookingLocalDateTimeFrom and bookingLocalDateTimeTo now use the LocalDateTime type (from DateTime)
    • travelDateFrom and travelDateTo now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
  • RestrictionsCreateInput input object:
    • bookingLocalDateTimeFrom and bookingLocalDateTimeTo now use the LocalDateTime type (from DateTime) -travelDateFrom and travelDateTo now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
  • RestrictionsUpdateInput input object:
    • bookingLocalDateTimeFrom and bookingLocalDateTimeTo now use the LocalDateTime type (from DateTime)
    • travelDateFrom and travelDateTo now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
  • Restrictions object: travelDateFrom and travelDateTo now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
  • SupplierRate object: fromDate and toDate now use the LocalDate type (from String)
  • TravelDateInput input object: from and to now use the LocalDate type (from Date)
November 2020

Released the initial version of the Lodging Partner GraphQL API to Expedia partners, including the promotions capability.