
SFTP data exchange

Our SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) solution is a zero-touch, secure end-to-end solution. It automates sending the data file used to connect to our customer relationship management (CRM) marketing email solution.

Steps for one-time set up

To set up the marketing data feed, you’ll do a one-time SFTP and file encryption process to generate public and private keys for secure file transfer to Expedia.

Step 1: Request your site identifiers

You’ll need three site identifier values to set up the SFTP file exchange:

  • Site ID: A unique identifier for your template site.
  • tpid: The travel product ID, which, together with the eapid, defines a point of sale in the Expedia system.
  • eapid: The Expedia affiliated partner ID, which, together with the tpid, defines a point of sale in the Expedia system.

You should use the support form on our Partner Solutions site to request these values from your account manager.

Step 2: Create your keys

Use your preferred method to generate the public and private key for SFTP and file encryption setup.


Using terminal (MacOS X) or command line (Windows)

  1. In the Mac terminal or Windows command line, enter user@localhost: ssh-keygen -t rsa.
    Note: If the command fails, check with your IT department to ensure you have sufficient permission to run it.
  2. When prompted, leave the passphrase request empty.
  3. Save your keys to a secure location.

Be sure to save your keys in a secure location. If you lose your private key, you’ll have to reset the SFTP.

Using a key generator

  1. Download and install a key generator.
  2. Use the generator to create an RSA public/private key pair.
  3. Copy the public key, which starts with ssh-rsa. This is what you’ll send to Expedia Group.
  4. Save the private key to a secure location. Do not delete it—you’ll use it instead of a password each time you send the encrypted file.

Be sure to save your private key in a secure location. If you lose your key, you’ll have to reset the SFTP.

Step 3: Share your key with Expedia

You’ll securely share your SFTP public key with Expedia. We’ll securely store this key and create an account from which you’ll be able to authenticate the SFTP connection. We’ll give you a username to use in the file-sharing process.



Expedia uses SharePoint as a secure key repository. If your organization blocks access to SharePoint, you can also send the public key via secure email. Talk to your account manager if this is an issue for you.

  1. Send us your organization’s name and the email address from which you’ll be uploading the public SFTP key via SharePoint. Your Expedia launch manager will provide you with the email address.
  2. We’ll create a folder in SharePoint that’s specific to your organization and send an access link to the email address you provided. We’ll also upload our public key that’s used to encrypt the file before upload.
  3. Once you receive that access email, you’ll click the link to generate the required access code. (Note: Be sure to check your spam folder if the access code doesn’t appear in your inbox within 2 business days.)
  4. You’ll upload the public key you generated to the folder we created and download the gpg_encryption_public_key.asc from the folder.
  5. We will reach out to you when the SFTP account is ready to use.

File format and structure

To successfully upload CRM data files, they should meet the following criteria.

  • The file format should be .csv to begin with. When you encrypt the file, you’ll change the file extension to .gpg.
  • Use pipes (|), not commas, to delimit fields.
  • File naming convention should not include special characters other than underscores (_). The file name must begin with eps_crm_marketing, followed by your organization name; the tpid, eapid, and site_id shared by your account manager; and the upload date. For example: eps_crm_marketing_<PartnerName>_<tpid>_<eapid>_<site_id>_YYYYMMDD.csv.
  • The file data should have all the columns in the table below, in order, and must include values in all required fields.
Column nameDefinitionSample valueTypeRequired
first_nameCustomer first nameChrisVarchar
last_nameCustomer last nameSmithVarchar
emailCustomer emailchris.smith@hotmail.comVarcharYes
mer_flagMarketing-eligible registrant flag; the customer’s decision to opt in (YES) or out (NO) of email marketingYesVarcharYes
mer_timestampTimestamp of when the customer decided to opt in or out2021-06-12 20:14:23.000000VarcharYes
lang_idThe site language (see the Locale details table); this value is not case-sensitiveen_US
tpidTravel product ID provided by your Expedia account manager0000NumberYes
eapidExpedia affiliated partner ID provided by the Expedia account manager1234NumberYes
site_idUnique identifier for the template site provided by the Expedia account manager5678NumberYes
points_balanceThe customer’s loyalty points balance100000Number (13 digit max)
points_cash_valueThe cash value of the customer’s loyalty points250Varchar (10 character max)
cash_value_currencyThe currency in which the loyalty points are valuedUSDText (3 character max)
credit_card_typeThe type of credit card used for the transactionYourBrand cardText (25 character max)
loyalty_tierThe customer’s loyalty tier within your programPlatinumText (25 character max)
3 fields used to share additional information about the customerFrequent travelerVarchar (25 character max)

Sample CSV file contents

The .csv file will include each element of the information, separated by pipe characters (|). The pipes act as column dividers, with each field the column header for the information beneath it.

John|Doe|your.customer@email.com|Y|2022-01-01 20:14:23.000000|en_us|0000|1234|5678

SFTP connection and upload

Before you upload your data, you should encrypt the file.


We use PGP encryption to protect personally identifiable information (PII). You’ll use our public key (which we’ll provide) to encrypt your .csv file. You can use whichever encryption tools you prefer, but we often work with GPG encryption tools.

  • Ask your Expedia launch manager for the email address to use as the import destination for the Expedia public key
  • Do not encrypt with a password—you'll use your private key for this
  • Save the encrypted file with a .gpg extension

File upload

The next step is to upload your encrypted file—you can use any SFTP connectivity tool. Make sure to select SFTP as the protocol, and enter these details:

  • Server: s-b1b59c1d2afa43cba.server.transfer.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
  • Port: 22
  • Username: <partnername-username> (for example, BestTravel-CRMteam or BestTravel-Asmith)
  • SSH private key: the private key you generated

You can automate the frequency with which your SFTP files are uploaded depending on your organization’s business needs.
