Destination Keyword Search

The Lodging Listings API allows you to search Expedia Listings inventory by Location Keyword, Region ID, Lat/Long, or Hotel ID(s) and return up to 1,000 offers per response. It provides a deeplink to the Expedia site to book, or rate plan info to enable API booking.

This example demonstrates how to search by location keyword.

For more information about the Listings API, see Listings API documentation.

1. Build the request object using the classes defined in the SDK

GetLodgingListingsOperationParams getLodgingListingsOperationParams
        = GetLodgingListingsOperationParams
            .partnerTransactionId("PARTNER TRANSACTION ID")
            .locationKeyword("LOCATION KEYWORD")

GetLodgingListingsOperation getLodgingListingsOperation =
        new GetLodgingListingsOperation(getLodgingListingsOperationParams);

2. Make the API call using service client.

Response<HotelListingsResponse> hotelListingsResponse =
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